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Adds Audio BB code media.
(Example of .mp3 URL pasted into editor)


  • Uses HTML <audio> tag.

  • Plays MP3 files.

  • Paste URL into message and Audio player will be embedded.

  • URL's can be internal or external.


  1. Create a directory called /data/files/audio on your server using File manager.

  2. Copy the src/Andy/Audio/audio.php file to your newly created directory.

  3. Install the Development mode options add-on and enable development mode. This will allow you to edit the BB code media site.

  4. Edit the following:
    Admin control panel -> Content -> BB code media sites -> Audio
    Change the following to your own forum URL:
    <iframe width="100%" height="66" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://example.com/data/files/audio/audio.php/?url={$id}"></iframe>

  5. Disable development mode.

How to use:

  1. Create a new post.

  2. Attach a MP3 file.

  3. Copy URL of the attached.

  4. Paste URL into message.

  5. Save post.

File Information

Submitter OKSTAR

Submitted 12/11/24

Category XenForo

View File


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