96 files
XenForo is a powerful community forum software that provides users with a simple and easy-to-use interface and rich communication features. Users can easily communicate through posting, sending private messages, using tags, and other methods.
Its interface design is responsive, suitable for various devices, and has good customizability. Administrators can expand functionality and beautify interfaces through plugins and theme customization, while utilizing powerful management tools to manage users, content, and forum settings, ensuring order and activity in the community. -
XenForo Resource Manager is an add-on that allows you to manage resources outside of regular forums, such as files and tutorials or other similar article content. The purpose is to allow for the listing of files and other content, with a focus on the initial content rather than the discussion surrounding it.
XenForo Enhanced Search is an add-on that replaces the built-in XenForo search system and is built to take advantage of Elasticsearch to provide a higher performing and more flexible search system for XenForo.
In the beginning, XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) was intended to be a simple drop-in replacement for MySQL full text search, primarily aimed at large forums whose operation would potentially suffer when attempting to search very large database tables.
As a drop-in, XFES only made use of the enhanced search index and speed for the formal search system, but with version 2.2 we are starting to leverage more of the power afforded by the Elasticsearch back-end.
Similar threads
A useful tool for surfacing content on your forum is a list of Similar or related threads, which can be displayed along with a primary thread. Visitors who have landed on that page from a search engine will often look for related material to continue their reading, and Similar threads offer a great way to provide that in an automated fashion.
One limitation of the usefulness of Similar threads is a determination of just how similar or related the results actually are. This is where XFES comes into its own, as the Elasticsearch back-end provides a specific ability to search for more like this using the current thread as a search parameter. Given a decent amount of content from which to pluck similar results, this provides an excellent list of threads in which the viewer of the current thread may be interested.
Similar threads widget
We display our similar threads results in a widget, and by default we place it below the quick reply area on thread view pages, but as it is a widget you can choose to place it wherever you like on the page. -
AC.UI is built with our tried-and-true UI.X framework for XenForo 2. We have deliberated and meticulously fine-tuned AC.UI until it is truly the most modern and ideal interface for communities and no detail is missed. Every front size was optimized for legibility, every padding was considered, navigation for mobile devices was completely re-worked, and more were altered from base XenForo for the best user experience and discoverability.
The XenForo Media Gallery is an add-on that allows you and your users to create galleries of images, videos, and audio in your forum, organized into admin-defined categories or user-created albums.
Media categories
Media will be placed into individual categories that are organized into a tree. In this regard, they are very similar to the node tree.
A category may be one of three types:
Container only: these categories will not contain media or albums, instead serving to organize sub-categories.
Albums only: in these categories, users will create albums that can contain one or more media items. When the category is viewed, there will be one entry for each album.
Media items only: media will be added directly to these categories and not organized into albums. Each media item will be displayed directly when viewing the category.
If your users are likely to upload a number of related pictures (such as from a single event), you will likely want to use album categories. Note that the category type cannot be changed unless the category is empty.
Media fields
Custom media fields allow you to define additional structured fields for users to fill in when creating a thread.
Media fields can be displayed in one of several locations:
Below media item: this will be displayed in the box below the media, with the title and author info.
Bottom of media info block: in the sidebar opposite the comments, in the media information block.
Extra info block: in the sidebar opposite the comments, in a new Extra information block.
New sidebar block: in its own sidebar block, using the custom field's name as the header.
The Media Gallery adds a number of new permissions. When installed, reasonable defaults are selected based on existing permissions. However, you should confirm that the permissions meet your needs and that your moderators have the permissions you want.
The Media Gallery's options can be found in the XenForo media gallery option group. -
Introducing the Limit Attachment Downloads for XenForo 2
Limit Attachment Downloads add-on gives forum admins powerful control over thread post attachment downloads by allowing them to set a variety of limits, such as:
Daily download limits
Positive Reaction requirement
Minimum message count limits
The add-on also includes informative interfaces and user-friendly error pages that explain the reasons for download restrictions. This helps to discourage abuse and promote fair use of downloads.
In addition, the add-on can encourage user engagement on the forums and can lead to more account upgrades, boosting your site’s revenue.
If you’re looking for a powerful way to control attachment downloads on your XenForo forum, the Limit Attachment Downloads add-on by XenCustomize is a great option. It’s packed with advance features and gives admins the flexibility to fine-tune download limits to meet their specific needs.
Complete features list
Usergroup Permissions for Download Limits
Added up to 8 usergroup permissions for configuring download limits and bypass options.
Download limit
Countdown timer time
Message count limit
Can bypass message count limit
Reaction limit
Can bypass reaction limit
Can change reaction
Can undo reaction
Forum Node Permissions
Implemented support for setting permissions in each Forum node.
Download limit
Message count limit
Download Limits
Implemented the following types of limits:
Download Limit/Quota: Set limits for a specified number of hours (default: 24 hours).
Positive Reaction Limit: Require users to react to a post with positive reaction before downloading attachments.
Message Count Limit: Define minimum message counts per user group for download access.
Bypass Limits
Implemented the ability to bypass the above limits:
Ability to set "Unlimited" in the download limit/quota to bypass download limits.
"Can bypass reaction limit" permission to bypass reaction limits.
"Unlimited" or "Can bypass message count limit" usergroup permission to bypass message count limits.
Info Tabs Bar for Download Limits
Implemented Info Tabs Bar displaying a quick overview of the user's current download limits for the viewed post.
Responsive Info Tabs Bar with scrolling, similar to Resource Tabs in standard XFRM.
Option to enable/disable via admin settings (Enabled by default).
Download Limits Overview Page
Implemented a "Download Limits Overview" page offering a detailed overview of user-specific download limits for the accessed post.
Detailed overview and various info messages in the download limit section based on scenarios:
Download Limit
Downloads Left
Download Limit Reset Time
Detailed info messages in the message count limit section based on scenarios:
Message Count Limit
User Message Count
Detailed explanation of how the reaction limit is applied to the user in the reaction limit section.
User-Friendly Error Pages for Download Limits
Implemented user-friendly error pages explaining and guiding users through download limits and restrictions:
Download Limit Error Page with an Encouraging Title, Icon, Message, and Custom Buttons: "Click to Close" and "Learn More"
Reaction Limit Error Page with an Encouraging Title, Icon, Message, and Custom Buttons: "Click to Close" and "Learn More"
Positive Reaction Limit Error Page with an Encouraging Title, Icon, Message, and Custom Buttons: "Click to Close" and "Learn More"
Message Count Limit Error Page with an Encouraging Title, Icon, Message, and Custom Buttons: "Click to Close" and "Learn More"
Guest-Specific Error Page with an Encouraging Title, Icon, Message, and Custom Buttons: "Click to Close", "Log in" and "Register now". (v2.2.1)
Admin Options: Implemented various Admin options for customizable control:
Download Limit Reset Time in Hours.
Countdown Timer Time in Seconds.
Enable Download Limits Quick Info Tab Bar.
Enable Download Limits Detailed Overview Page.
Positive Reaction IDs.
Reactions Change Restriction.
Reactions Undo Restriction.
File Extensions Affected by Download Limits:
Shipped the addon with a predefined list
Compressed and Archive Formats:
Executable and Installable Formats:
exe (Windows executables)
msi (Windows installer)
dmg (Mac installer)
pkg (Mac package installer)
Disk Image Formats:
Document Formats:
Style Properties
Added custom classes and style properties for effortless customization of Info Tabs Bar and Download Limits Overview page:
Info Tabs Bar
Positive color
Negative color
Caution color
Attachment Download Page
Introduced a new Attachment download page that showcases:
Countdown timer
Attachment name
Attachment size
Attachment extension
Attachment view count
Multiple advertising positions:
Display advertisement directly above the countdown timer during attachment download.
Display advertisement directly beneath the countdown timer during attachment download.
Sidebar widget position
Click to Close button
Limits overview button
Download Countdown Timer
Implemented a download countdown timer that appears before the download button is accessible.
Pause Countdown Timer on Tab Switch
Implemented functionality to pause the countdown timer when the user switches to another tab.
Default Countdown Timer Duration
Added an admin option to configure the default “Countdown Timer Time in Seconds” before downloads can be initiated.
Customizable Countdown Timer Time per Usergroup
Added usergroup permission to override the default “Countdown Timer Time” set in the Admin CP.
Customize the countdown timer duration per usergroup for a more tailored user experience.
Built-in Advertising Positions:
Added native advertising positions for the download page to effortlessly display advertisements and increase visibility and potential revenue:
Limit Attachment Downloads: Countdown timer above download.
Limit Attachment Downloads: Countdown timer below download.
Sidebar Widget Position:
Added new widget position to place widgets in the sidebar position on the download countdown timer page:
Limit Attachment Downloads: Countdown timer.
Compatible XF 2.x versions
XenForo 2.2
XenForo 2.3
While the add-on is built using the latest XF 2.2 version, we require a minimum of XF 2.2.4+ for proper compatibility. If you need compatibility with older versions, kindly reach out to us before making a purchase.
Uncertain 🤔 about a specific feature?
If you need a functionality that isn't clearly mentioned above, please don't hesitate to contact us before making a purchase. Once you've bought and downloaded the add-on, your order can't be refunded.
Screenshots, Install and Setup
Install "[XenCustomize] Limit Attachment Downloads" like any other XenForo add-on. In the admin options:
Default setting for the Countdown timer is 5 seconds, which you can adjust to your preferred duration.
You must specify your preferred positive reaction IDs.
Default positive reaction IDs are: 1, 2, and 3.
If you would like to restrict users changing or undoing reactions, then activate these options:
Reactions change restriction.
Reactions undo restriction.
Introducing the fan favorite UI.X for XenForo 2. Based off of the tried true methodologies of its XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X continues to push the boundaries of intelligent, performant, perfected design. Modern tools that increase user interactions, familiar user interface based on Google’s ever popular Material design, and the backing of a team well-versed in the XenForo software make UI.X a wise choice for any forum. ThemeHouse has been building products for XenForo since day one of the software’s release and we aren’t going anywhere.
Introducing the fan favorite UI.X for XenForo 2. Based off of the tried true methodologies of its XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X continues to push the boundaries of intelligent, performant, perfected design. Modern tools that increase user interactions, familiar user interface based on Google’s ever popular Material design, and the backing of a team well-versed in the XenForo software make UI.X a wise choice for any forum. ThemeHouse has been building products for XenForo since day one of the software’s release and we aren’t going anywhere.
Everything is available from within XenForo (you do not need to go to Cloudflare for things) via the Cloudflare API. This allows you give admins permission to do certain things (for example block IP addresses within Cloudflare without giving them access to your Cloudflare account).
It simplifies/automates much of the configuration and usage of Cloudflare with XenForo.
Manage all Cloudflare settings/options for your zone.
Ability to purge Cloudflare cache.
Cloudflare Firewall support
You can automatically create firewall filters to block access to XenForo internal directories that are not intended to be accessed via web browser (internal_data and src). You can also delete any firewall filter.
Create/delete Firewall user agent rules.
Create/delete Firewall IP address and ASN rules. Includes the ability to optionally expire the rule in the future (for example maybe you want to block a class C for 7 days, or you want to force a challenge to a specific IP for 30 days).
Manage country-level traffic blocking (includes Tor exit nodes).
Ability to force challenge on the registration and contact forms (helps mitigate automated spam).
Cloudflare Access support
You can automatically create Access policies to allow only admins the ability to access the install and admin.php URLs. You can also delete any existing Access policy.
Cloudflare Page Rules support
You can view and delete any Page Rules on your zone.
Cloudflare Cache Rules support
You can automatically create a Page Rule that will instruct Cloudflare to cache XenForo CSS files (normally they are not cached because Cloudflare caches based on file extension, and XenForo's CSS system has .php extension).
You can automatically create a Page Rule that will instruct Cloudflare to cache images served through XenForo's image proxy (similar to XenForo's CSS, Cloudflare normally does not cache them because the image proxy uses .php extension).
Cloudflare Turnstile support (requires XF 2.2.12+)
You can automatically configure/create Turnstile site via API.
Gives direct links to Turnstile Settings and Analytics within Cloudflare account.
DMARC Management allows you to monitor third parties sending email on your behalf
Use Cloudflare Workers as proxy to hide your server's origin IP address for certain XenForo functions:
Image proxy
Support for Cloudflare R2(object storage) to store things like avatars and attachments in the cloud.
Includes an optional ability to use presigned URLs for attachments
Support for caching certain content at the network edge(in Cloudflare data centers):
HTML pages for guests
Media attachments (images, audio, video)
Shows Cloudflare statistics for your domain on admin index. Additionally, daily stats are kept in XenForo's normal Statistics area for:
Unique visitors
Data served
Data cached
Turnstile challenges
Turnstile interactive solves
Turnstile non-interactive solves
Turnstile unsolved
R2 class A operations
R2 class B operations
Moderators that have the ability to spam clean and view user's IPs get an extra option in the spam cleaner where they can temporarily ban the IP address(es) the spammer used in the last 30 days. The number of days to ban is an option you can set in the admin area (it defaults to 7 days).
Ability to backup and restore certain Cloudflare configuration (Access Apps, Firewall Rules, Firewall IP Access Rules, Firewall User Agent Blocking, Page Rules).
You can restore backups to a different zone (for example if you had extensive configuration for a zone, you could give another zone the same configuration through a backup restore).
Restoring a backup does not delete existing configurations (you are able to merge configuration into an existing config).
Cloudflare configuration is protected by a new admin permission, Manage Cloudflare.
In exchange for being free, this addon has a single attribution link buried on the bottom of XenForo's Help -> Cookie usage page (there are no site-wide or footer links). -
The custom username icon brings you and your users a whole new level of customization!
This add-on allows your users to select one or more icons [NEW 5.0.0] that will appear near the username anywhere on your board.
You can choose an icon from the Font Awesome icon list (over 500 icons) or the image icon list you have selected.
Complete control through admincp to fine tune and manage functions:
With the xF permission system, permissions for selecting icons and configuring them can be defined at the user and user group levels
Default username icon can be selected for each user group
The username icon and configuration can be edited or even forced through the user editing function
We still provide user banner icons now! -
Titan for XenForo 2.3
Titan is the ultimate gaming theme, based upon a large wallpaper image which is blurred behind textured navigation and category bars. Assign up to 6 background images via the theme settings to completely change the colour scheme, and let your members choose their favourite from a predefined selection!
Theme Editor
All xenfocus themes come with the "Theme Editor" - an easy to use box which allows your members to customize the theme to their needs.
Blurred headers
The navigation bar and category headers inherit a blurred version of your background image, created automatically using css filters.
Unique, animated navigation
Titan features a unique navigation design, with an animated hover effect.
Fixed header
When scrolled, the navigation sticks to the top of your browser for easy access.
Responsive theme
This theme will downscale for mobiles and tablets, providing an optimal viewing experience for all devices.
Holiday effects
If enabled, subtle "holiday effects" such as animated snow for Christmas, confetti for New Years, a floating ghost for Halloween or a beating heart for Valentines can be shown on your theme.
Countdown to a local event such as a sport game, or a global event such as a product release using the built-in countdown timer.
Background picker
A background picker allows your members to select their own background/header image from a predefined selection.
Grid view for nodes
Place your forums into a grid layout with optional wallpapers for each. This feature can be toggled by members if they prefer the standard layout.
Social icons
By enabling the social icons feature, you can easily promote your social media websites to your forum members.
Guest message
If enabled, a stylish guest message prompts visitors to sign in or register a new account on your site.
Extensive logo options
Use HTML text, insert a slogan or simply use an image. All configurable via the theme settings.
Mega footer
A mega footer with configurable columns and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings.
Retina ready
All xenfocus themes have been coded with high resolution screens in mind. Your theme will look crisp on all screens and devices!
Fluid width
Members have the option of toggling fluid width, which stretches the theme across the entire width of their browser.
Only one modified template
This theme only contains one modified template file, which means upgrades are a breeze! -
Various vendor javascripts used along our add-ons
New form row/element macros:
FA picker
Date and time input
Duration input
Enhanced color picker with JS callback support upon color selection
Extension of node entity/repository in order to always retrieve LastPoster information as entity along node
Extension of XF services:
Thread creator: new function to allow definition of the poster
Thread replier: new function to allow definition of the poster
PayPal Adaptive payment solution with adequate xF services
Finder trait to allow where condition removal
Option class who allow select
RM Categories
MG Categories
There is a 10% tax added to our products. We do not offer invoices, you need to use your PayPal Receipt for your accounting or VAT needs. Tax will be added at checkout.
Advanced Forms can be used for just about any type of form you need!
Full documentation is here
Advanced Forms Documentation
Introduction What is a form Front-End example of this addon Where to find all the options of Advanced Forms Settings User group permissions Widget Understanding the architecture Types, Forms, Questions Description texts for types, forms and question settings How this documentation works...
Unlimited Form Types*
Unlimited Forms*
Unlimited Questions*
Different Forms for each Form Type
Different Questions for each Form
Show Multiple Form Types in sidebar and/or navigation tab
Control Form Type access by Usergroup, User Criteria
Control Form access by Usergroup, User Criteria
Notification of an form being submitted via Forum Thread and/or Email and/or Private Message
Instantly promote a user when they submit an form
Include a yes/no poll in a thread and automatically promote the user based on the poll results
Include a normal poll with no promotion options in a thread
Open a form when starting a new thread
Specify different forums for reports for each form
Define a default question set that can be included on all forms
Button to copy forms direct access URL in ACP and make it clickable
Form submit count statistic. This is viewable in the ACP on the forms list and when editing the form
Option to make form publicly visible (regardless on user criteria settings) but they can’t submit it
Link to thread in the email report
Flood checking option
Time limit option when user can submit form again
Export of data submitted from the form as CSV
Export for answers & logs
Form as a widget
Much, much more!
Changes from AAF for XenForo 1.x
Form Types are now optional.
Application Thank You moved from Form Type to Form itself.
Question color moved from Add-on Options to Form Misc. Options.
All Post/PC user info now uses names instead of user ids.
Question order is now drag and drop.
Form report Thread Prefix now a dropdown list of all prefixes available.
User PC Message now uses WYSIWYG editor.
Moved moderator promotion permissions from hard coded to form.
Moved approval user groups from Add-on options to user group permissions.
Any first question answer can now be used in report titles.
Section headers no longer printed in report post/pc/email.
Email now HTML type.
Completely removed add-on options.
Additions not in AAF for XenForo 1.x
Rich text that can be displayed below forms.
Copy function to Form Types.
Approve/Deny links can be displayed with promotion polls.
Approving or denying a form closes a form poll if it exists.
Answer color to form Misc. Options.
Default answer is now usable for Single selection forum list question type.
WYSIWYG editor question type.
Promotion poll end date can be extended by 24 hours if the user has permission to extend form polls.
NOTE: You can not import, exported application forms from XF 1.5. But forms will be converted when upgrading from XF1.x to XF2.x.
* Limited only if you are limited in database size and/or free disk space. -
Serve Google Tag Manager JavaScript from your own domain
Normally, Google forces browsers to re-download the JavaScript every 15 minutes, which can hurt your site rendering speed. If you choose to serve it from your own domain, the time between re-downloads is set to 30 days. It also allows you to serve it from the network edge (for example cached in Cloudflare's data centers).
Google Analytics API usage for:
Selection of existing measurement ID
Optionally create a new property/data stream
Setup of custom dimensions specific to XenForo for reporting
Reporting from within XenForo admin area
Backend data collection
Ability to track XenForo overlay system as page views
Track registered members across multiple devices
Track the style being used
Track nodes
Track threads
with or without the thread's first tag
Track client-side errors
Console errors
JavaScript errors
Images not loading
Track user registrations and logins
includes how they are registering/logging in (for example which type of connected account)
Track new threads
and replies
Track new profile posts
and comments
Track new conversations
and replies
Track emails being sent and opened
incudes email subject
Done with backend data collection (multi-threaded with Guzzle's promise system so it doesn't slow down mass sending of emails).
Track attachment views/downloads
Track users using XenForo share buttons
includes which platform they are sharing to
Track users using XenForo's bookmark system
Track user upgrades as e-commerce
Begin checkout
Track Google AdSense impressions and clicks
Track user's user group (set user groups in a priority order for the one to track)
Track links from RSS feed by source/medium
Track links from emails by source/medium
Track contact form usage
Track PWA usage and related events
Track scrolling down page
Track YouTube video engagement
Track outbound links being clicked
Track site searches
Google Analytics reporting within XenForo admin
Realtime map showing the countries users currently on your site are in
Weekly heat maps
Report of client-side errors
Some things to note:
Does not work with Universal Analytics, only Google Analytics 4 (Universal Analytics is being deprecated and will cease processing new hits on July 1, 2023).
You need to link your Google Analytics account and pick your property under Admin -> Options -> Analytics
The Analytics Admin API currently can't enable Enhanced Measurement for your property's data stream. For the time being, you will need to go into your Google Analytics account, go to Admin -> Property -> Data Stream, and enable Enhanced measurement if you want to track the things enhanced measurement tracks. Once Google sorts it out with the Admin API, it will be something we can automatically do. [Google Analytics Admin API changelog]
In exchange for being free, this addon has a single attribution link buried on the bottom of XenForo's Help -> Privacy policy page (there are no site-wide or footer links).
Key features:
Ability to create unlimited categories and nested categories for groups.
Ability to create unlimited custom fields for each category. Custom fields then will be shown in group details.
Show custom field position, data types, create PHP callback for Fields,
Ability to group members and easily manage member roles and permissions in group.
Events. Each group has ability to create their own events.
Sub Forums.
Avatar supported. Each group has ability to easily upload their avatar
Cover photos supported. Each group has ability to easily upload their cover
Display statistics for each groups.
Much more....
Group Category: many options available to manage groups:
Required minimum tags which groups must be provide.
Default set group privacy, only apply to newly created groups.
Manage user group permissions to create groups in categories.
Manage user group permissions to view groups inside the category.
This XenForo 2.x addon sends daily, weekly or emails to users with a list of top new threads and top updated threads.
Important changes:
the default option is now to honour the "Receive new and update emails" option in user preferences. You will need to turn this off in the settings to retain the current behaviour.
if you use either of my SparkPostMail addons (v1.x or v2.x), you must install the What's New Digest adapter for SparkPost addon - some integration functionality has been removed from this addon to the separate adapter addon to maximise compatibility across XF versions.
This is a free add-on made by me that will show the counts of the most users that have ever been online. It includes counts for all users, members, and guests.
You have the option to display counts for any or all of the 3. Totals, members, or guests via permissions. You can choose to display them right inside the members online widget under the total visitors. You can also display it as a widget, just be sure to create your widget and make sure the permission isn't set to off.
When you first install the add-on all the display permissions for the add-on specifically are set to default yes. To enable the counts under the members online widget or forum statistics simply go to options->[BP] MostEverOnline-> and select the option for it. Check the box and click save. To display the widget go to appearance -> widgets ->add widget -> widget definition -> then select "[BP] Most Ever Online Statistics". You can place the widget anywhere you'd like. The add-on is fully phrased so you can change the text by going to appearance -> phrases and selecting the add-ons phrases
This add-on also runs via a Cron task. The counts are updated every minute. You can manually run the cron task by finding the Most Users Ever Online run task and running it.
Feature list:
Counts for Most Total Users Ever Online
Counts for Most Total Members Ever Online
Counts for Most Total Guests Ever Online
Counts include record date
Option to place inside Members Online under total visitors
Option to place at the bottom inside Forum Statistics
Option to format date however you like
Option to reset counts if needed
Option to create a Widget with the Counts
Option to use most total visitors only under members online or forum statistics
Permission to select whether to display any of the counts for selected usergroups
Permission to choose who or what usergroup can see the widget
Fully phrased
To install be sure to upload the contents of the Upload directory to the root of your Xenforo installation. After you upload the files go to your admin panel then go to and click the add-on section and click install. Be sure to upload the files correctly. -
Enjoy ultimate customization capabilities and a wide range of modern components, features, and options. Users will love your website because it provides them with a unique user experience, clean, modern, and aesthetically pleasing design. You will be able to easily customize it according to your needs.
The main characteristics of exclusive darkness:
Fully responsive layout
Link hover effect
Button hover effect
Navigation link hover effect
Guest message
Three user bar layout
Exquisite font navigation icons
Great font visitor menu icon
Great font for the sidebar icon
Famous member page icon with great font
Great font for the account page side navigation icon
Delete sub navigation
Show/hide breadcrumbs
Hide forum title in index page
Foldable category
Sidebar position
Sticky Sidebar
Foldable sidebars and blocks
Four different forum layouts
Node hover effect
Category Description Hover
Hover over node statistics information
Wave shaped header and footer
Background shape
Bubble animation
Switchable node icon
Sticky and regular threads
Publish icon
Easy customization of advanced footers
Modern cross browser support
And more
A collection of improvements to XF's Enhanced Search and some for XenForo's default MySQL search.
MySQL & Elastic Search features;
range_query search DSL
allows arbitrary range queries for numerical data
Allow users to select the default search order independent for the forum wide setting.
Re-adds the global option for the default search type
Elastic Search Only features:
Add ability to push "can view threads/tickets by other" permission(s) into ElasticSearch query, reducing php-side culling of matching content.
This improves searching forums/tickets where the user lacks these permissions.
This is gated behind the option Push "View X by others" check into XFES', as it requires a full reindex. (Default disabled)
Supports the following add-ons:
View Sticky Threads (free) add-on.
Collaborative Threads (paid) add-on.
@NixFifty's Tickets (paid) add-on.
For best results, use ElasticSearch Essentials add-on, as it simplifies this permission constraint compared to stock XenForo
Per content type weighting
Adds Elastic Search information to the AdminCP home screen.
Adds a debug option to log the search DSL queries to error log for troubleshooting
Option to extend search syntax to permit;
+ signifies AND operation
| signifies OR operation
- negates a single token
" wraps a number of tokens to signify a phrase for searching
* at the end of a term signifies a prefix query
( and ) signify precedence
~N after a word signifies edit distance (fuzziness)
~N after a phrase signifies slop amount
In order to search for any of these special characters, they will need to be escaped with \.
"Specialized index" support
Specialized search index allows generating single-purpose elastic search indexes while re-using as much XF search infrastructure as possible.
Username auto-complete powered by elasticsearch
These are examples of a "specialized index".
The username autocomplete it creates an index with just the user/email and replaces the admin quick search and front-end username autocomplete with an elasticsearch powered version.
The tag autocomplete replaces the front-end tag autocomplete with an elasticsearch powered version.
In both cases this allows non-start-of-string matching, with typo tolerance.
Administrator Features
• Set up criteria to automatically feature content with Content, User, and User field criteria
• Choose the order in which auto feature criteria will be checked
• Choose how many featured items can be displayed per page
• Choose the maximum excerpt length for featured items
• Allow moderators to feature threads, polls, media and resources
• Create a widget to display featured content
• Choose the number of featured content items to be displayed on the widget
• Set the pixels you would like all uploaded slider background images to be
• Determine how long content can remain featured or leave it featured indefinitely
• Display a user’s current featured content on a "Featured content" tab on their member profile
• Apply a prefix to featured threads
• Show the first post at the top of all pages in the featured thread
• Determine the size and style icons should be for the featured content
• Add advertisements above and below feature message content
• Choose whether or not users can dismiss features from widgets in permissions
User Features
• Easily identify and view featured content
• Have their currently featured content displayed on their member profile
• Dismiss features from displaying in widgets if you have the appropriate permissions
Top Downloads
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[DBTech] DragonByte Security
DragonByte keeps a watchful eye over your forum even when you are not there, and has the capability to alert you of any suspicious activity. Uses DragonByte is the ideal product for forums that are concerned about security, or wish to be alerted when something suspicious happens. Featuring multiple "Security Watchers" such as Failed Logins and Failed AdminCP Logins, you can set up different "tiers" of actions to be taken when certain thresholds are met. For example, if someone tries to log in t- 1 Downloads
Global Market Plus [1.7 - 1.21]
GlobalMarketPlus is a multi-functional virtual store plugin, with Global Market as its main function. It can be used to trade items of various transaction types, and trade merchandises with other players in the server anytime and anywhere through commands and GUI. It is a highly customizable plugin. Almost all functions have corresponding commands. Management system and security system, data processing system, detailed configuration file annotations and wiki, ensure the operation of the plugi- 1 Downloads
Dune: Prophecy Season 1 (2024)
The play is adapted from the novel Sand Dunes: sisters' Association, which is set ten thousand years ago when Paul Ertredi rose in Sand Dunes. It tells the story of Hacknan's "sisters" fighting against the crisis threatening the future of mankind and creating the legendary Benny Jethrit sisters Association.- 6 Downloads
Adobe Photoshop 2025
Adobe Photoshop 2025 is a new version of the program used for processing raster graphics. Supports many graphic formats. Adobe Photoshop allows you to create new images and edit them. Photoshop is used for creating realistic images, processing color scanned images, retouching, color correction, collage, graphic conversion, color separation, and more. Adobe Photoshop has all the methods for processing bitmap images, and it can also handle layers and use paths. Adobe Photoshop provides all the t- 5 Downloads
Invision Community
Invision Community 5.0.0 introduces a range of exciting features and improvements designed to enhance user experience, developer flexibility, and system stability. Key highlights include: Improved User Interface (UI): The platform offers a more intuitive experience with an updated UI for features like the "Choose Tags" field and a more polished layout for content management and member interaction Enhanced Content Management: New features like auto-generated Table of Contents, customizable by a- 5 Downloads
Material design is basically a result of Google’s set of guidelines for better designing, keeping in mind mobile users. It supports better browsing by enhancing the visual and motion experience. This theme is almost Material-based to make a better user experience. RE-ME Framework Features List You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours! Google Web font is easily configured. Node Background Avata- 4 Downloads
Main Features List 4 Different Node Layout Node Image Category Colors Configured by Admin Featured Post RE-ME Framework Features List You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours! Google Web font easily configured Avatar Shape Custom Scrollbar Guest Message Sticky Staff tools Text Logo Two Login Triggers Styles Remove Sub-navigation row Collapsible Categories Sticky Category Strips Las- 3 Downloads
Dune: Prophecy Season 1 (2024)
The play is adapted from the novel Sand Dunes: sisters' Association, which is set ten thousand years ago when Paul Ertredi rose in Sand Dunes. It tells the story of Hacknan's "sisters" fighting against the crisis threatening the future of mankind and creating the legendary Benny Jethrit sisters Association.- 6 Downloads
Adobe Photoshop 2025
Adobe Photoshop 2025 is a new version of the program used for processing raster graphics. Supports many graphic formats. Adobe Photoshop allows you to create new images and edit them. Photoshop is used for creating realistic images, processing color scanned images, retouching, color correction, collage, graphic conversion, color separation, and more. Adobe Photoshop has all the methods for processing bitmap images, and it can also handle layers and use paths. Adobe Photoshop provides all the t- 5 Downloads
Invision Community
Invision Community 5.0.0 introduces a range of exciting features and improvements designed to enhance user experience, developer flexibility, and system stability. Key highlights include: Improved User Interface (UI): The platform offers a more intuitive experience with an updated UI for features like the "Choose Tags" field and a more polished layout for content management and member interaction Enhanced Content Management: New features like auto-generated Table of Contents, customizable by a- 5 Downloads
Material design is basically a result of Google’s set of guidelines for better designing, keeping in mind mobile users. It supports better browsing by enhancing the visual and motion experience. This theme is almost Material-based to make a better user experience. RE-ME Framework Features List You don’t just get a simple theme; you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website; make it yours! Google Web font is easily configured. Node Background Avata- 4 Downloads
XenForo Enhanced Search
XenForo Enhanced Search is an add-on that replaces the built-in XenForo search system and is built to take advantage of Elasticsearch to provide a higher performing and more flexible search system for XenForo. In the beginning, XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) was intended to be a simple drop-in replacement for MySQL full text search, primarily aimed at large forums whose operation would potentially suffer when attempting to search very large database tables. As a drop-in, XFES only made use of- 3 Downloads