Account Linking
Players can link their Minecraft and Discord account. You can configure a role to be given upon link creation.
Send messages upon specific events, such as player join or leave, server startup, advancements and more. You can toggle each notification.
Users can open tickets. You can create your own ticket types with information that is requested through a form. Additionally, you can limit the amount of tickets per user, assign staff to a ticket, give access to tickets for staff and more.
Chat Synchronization
You can synchronize chat from Discord to Minecraft and vice versa. Additionally, you can force players to link their account in order for their chat messages to be synchronized. This depends on your config.
If Lands is installed, you can allow players to create channels for their lands and synchronize chat messages between their lands and Discord.
Webhooks are used to make the message look like it was sent by the player itself and not the Discord bot.
This is completely optional and requires Lands to be installed.
Powerful and full customization
Each major feature has their own module, which allows to easily toggle and customize features without having to scroll through a huge single config.
All player-facing messages can be translated. Also, each GUI menu can be fully customized and translated.
This plugin uses modern elements like forms, slash commands and more, to ensure users have a good experience.
DiscordBridge doesn't require any plugins as dependencies. You just need to have Java 21 installed. A permission's plugin is optional, but recommended.
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