NoVPN is a plugin that blocks players using VPNs or proxies. Based on a high-performance API.
Private API detection
Async plugin
Unlimited request
Bad account detection (McLeaks/TheAltening/EasyMC)
Antibot protection
Firewall system
Console filter
Discord webhook
Packet events
MySQL support
/nvp help | Shows available commands
/nvp lookup <ip/player> | Shows information about a player or an IP
/nvp blacklist | Shows available blacklist commands
/nvp blacklist enable/disable | Enables or disables the blacklist
/nvp blacklist <add/remove> <player/ip/country> | Adds or removes a player, IP, or country to/from the blacklist
/nvp blacklist list | Shows elements in the blacklist
/nvp whitelist | Shows available whitelist commands
/nvp whitelist enable/disable | Enables or disables the whitelist
/nvp whitelist <add/remove> <player/ip/country> | Adds or removes a player, IP, or country to/from the whitelist
/nvp whitelist list | Shows elements in the whitelist
/nvp antibot | Shows available antibot commands
/nvp antibot enable/disable | Enables or disables antibot protection
/nvp antibot satus | Shows antibot status
/nvp antibot protection_mode start/stop | Starts or stops antibot under attack mode
novpn.* | Allow everything in the plugin | Access to help command
novpn.antibot | Access to /nvp antibot command
novpn.antibot.disable | Access to /nvp antibot disable command
novpn.antibot.enable | Access to /nvp antibot enable command
novpn.antibot.start | Access to start protection mode
novpn.antibot.stop | Access to stop protection mode
novpn.antibot.status | Access to antibot status command
novpn.blacklist.add | Access to /nvp blacklist add command
novpn.blacklist | Access to /nvp blacklist command
novpn.blacklist.disable | Access to /nvp blacklist disable command
novpn.blacklist.enable | Access to /nvp blacklist enable command
novpn.blacklist.list | Access to /nvp blacklist list command
novpn.blacklist.remove | Access to /nvp blacklist remove command
novpn.lookup | Access to /nvp lookup command
novpn.whitelist | Access to /nvp whitelist command
novpn.whitelist.add | Access to /nvp whitelist add command
novpn.whitelist.remove | Access to /nvp whitelist remove command
novpn.whitelist.list | Access to /nvp whitelist list command
novpn.whitelist.enable | Access to /nvp whitelist enable command
novpn.whitelist.disable | Access to /nvp whitelist disable command
novpn.notify | Receive notifications
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