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PlotSquared v7 7.4.2

(0 reviews)

1 Screenshot

  • In built plot downloading + cross server saving and loading.

  • Plot swapping / copying and cross world plot moving.

  • Plot merging, your own plots or between friends

  • Extensive flag system so you can decide what should be protected on a per world, or per plot basis

  • Plot entry notifications / per plot time / weather / music etc with the flag system

  • Add custom roads to existing maps to make them look nicer

  • Configure additional messages however you want

  • Dynamic world border to prevent excessive exploring

  • Mob protection and per plot mob limiting

  • Interactive commands such as plot listing

  • Plot rating, ranking, complexity analysis, and auto clearing calibration

  • Use javascript to add new commands or script simple things like auto merging all plots

  • Plot schematic saving, loading and pasting

  • Per player settings such as plot chat and entry notifications

  • World creation either with multiverse, /plot setup, or manual yml configuration

  • Plot commenting and inboxes

  • World auto trimming which reduces the CPU and disk usage when people explore

  • Pistons and Sand/TNT cannons are properly restricted

  • Per plot redstone settings + plot redstone disablers

  • Restrict the use of WorldEdit to plots only.

  • Chunk processing to safely unload dangerous chunks (also processes WorldEdit commands)

  • Component setting (floor, wall, border, etc.)

  • Section off areas (e.g. an area for donors) with plot clusters, or add plot clusters to vanilla worlds

  • Plot naming (for teleportation)

  • Configurable command confirmation (e.g. for /plot clear)

  • A lot of generators, and settings to choose from

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