LPX plugin instructions:
The purpose of LPX is to protect your server at the batch level, and it will not affect anything related to Vanilla Machinery, so it will not protect you from lagging machines of Redstone, Dup, or illegally created items. It will also not protect you from DDoS, bot, and proxy vulnerabilities, as it only runs on instances with plugs!
Characteristics of LPX plugin:
✅ Avoid NettyCrashers to prevent Netty streams from being blocked by vulnerabilities that do not use forks;
✅ Dependency Free does not require dependencies
✅ Regularly update when new vulnerabilities are discovered;
✅ High customizability, simple and detailed anti cheating style configuration;
✅ GUI file for the latest alert;
✅ Packet logger in the console and automatic logging of heavy packets
✅ 1.8-1.20 Compatibility with paper and related plugs;
✅ Compatible with APIs or semi-automatic systems;
Why LPX plugin?
A unique solution to eliminate Netty Crashers, a vulnerability that does not affect TPS servers but affects Netty threads. NettyCasher causes Netty threads to occupy during packet decoding, resulting in the server being unable to process subsequent packets for a period of time, preventing new players from joining the server and timed out to eliminate multiple players on the network.
Smooth Package Co., Ltd. usually does not encourage the use of package restrictions for anti vulnerabilities, as this may lead to poor player connectivity issues. LPX has implemented an accurate method for counting spam sender packets and a fully functional VL system to prevent false positives when players fall behind. If false flags are detected, it is easy to edit the configuration to fix them.
Compatible with printers/Schema. Usually, package restriction plugins can cause compatibility issues with these modes, and LPX implements a very useful automated system that can determine when players start using printer mode and ensure there are no erroneous kicks. You can also use APIs. one
If your server is attacked by a packet vulnerability, you can record every packet sent by any player to understand which type of packet vulnerability they have used, and we can fix it within a few days. You can disable and configure packet loggers.
Simple and detailed settings allow you to edit almost everything when false flags are detected. You can choose to enable/disable PINK for each check, enable/disable certain checks, and change every value used in the code.
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