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Olloz Says [40+ games!] - A modern yet familiar, Minecraft-adapted Simon Says game 2.3.0

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Olloz Says is a revival of a familiar, fun, enjoyable yet simple minigame that we all have enjoyed in our childhood, schools and even popular Minecraft servers! Providing 40+ games and missions, full minigame automation, extremely simple setup, clean documentation and regular updates; all to make you taste the joy of living great memories and to get your players to feel them too!

Olloz Says is a fun minigame for all types of servers, regardless of size, type or complexity. Don’t miss the fun!


  • A Simon Says game adapted for Minecraft: Players are given a task, and must do it to earn points. The player with the most points wins. Each task rewards different points, and can either reward based on who finished first, or equally reward all players who finished

  • Multi-arena support: You can create as many arenas as you want! Arenas do not require separate worlds

  • Death Match mode: Olloz Says has a built-in Death Match mode, where players have a specific amount of lives that decrease every time they fail a task. Last player standing wins

  • Spectating: Olloz Says has a built-in spectating feature. Players can teleport to others, fly around and spectate the match freely.

  • 40+ different minigames: Olloz Says offers more than 40 different tasks / missions for the game, varying in the objective, difficulty and reward.

  • Custom tasks support: You can duplicate a task, rename it and give it different settings. Through Olloz Says API you can also create completely customizable tasks with your very own criterias.

  • Per task reward: Each task can reward with custom points. It can also reward based on who finished first.

  • After-game rewards, and per-arena rewards: It is possible to reward winners in a game by adding commands to run for the winners.

  • Extensive customizability: Olloz Says is very customizable! You can configure each task on its own, the messages are fully changeable, spectating and arena settings are also highly customizable. All in all, your copy of the plugin can be very unique just by configuring it!

Known bugs:
I've decided to add this section for transparency.

  • FIXED The "Click The Color" task does not work on newer versions of Minecraft

  • FIXED there seems to be a random bug where arenas do not save correctly. This should be fixed.

  • FIXED Players connecting using ViaVersion would not see titles.

  • FIXED Registry errors on 1.18.2

For a complete, extensive description of every command, check the wiki page.

User commands:
/ollozsays join [arena]
/ollozsays leave
/ollozsays forcestart not by default

Arena commands:
/ollozsays arena create <arena key> <arena display name> [-dm]
/ollozsays arena delete <arena>
/ollozsays arena regenerate <arena>
/ollozsays arena center <arena>
/ollozsays arena spectatingpoint <arena>
/ollozsays arena parkourspawnpoint <arena>
/ollozsays arena parkourfinish <arena>
/ollozsays arena settings <arena>
/ollozsays arena spawnpoint <arena> <index>

More arena commands:
/ollozsays editbuilding <arena>
/ollozsays whydisabled <arena>
/ollozsays blocks <arena>
/ollozsays listarenas

Tasks commands:
/ollozsays tasks add <arena> <task>
/ollozsays tasks remove <arena> <task>
/ollozsays tasks list <arena>
/ollozsays testparkour <arena>

Admin commands:
/ollozsays reload
/ollozsays debugplayer <player>

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