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EconomyShopGUI Premium 5.20.2

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This version includes all features from the free version of the plugin plus the following:

✔️ GUI Editor (Edit items ingame using a GUI)
✔️ NBT items (Support for custom items such as items from other plugins)
✔️ Command items (Attatch multiple commands to a shop item which will be executed when purchased/sold)
✔️ Delayed commands (Commands can be executed days/weeks/months/... after initial purchase of items)
✔️ Limited stock (Allows the shop to have limited amount of stock on items in a configurable timeframe)
✔️ Limited sell items (Allows specific items to be sold X amount of times in a configurable timeframe)
✔️ Build-in cron schedulers (Fixed restock intervals using build in cron schedules)
✔️ Direct item support (Use items from supported plugins as custom materials, no NBTData needed!(All other custom items are supported thru NBTData))
✔️ Rotating shops (Shops which display a random set of items every X period)
✔️ Per item currencies (Use different currencies per item)
✔️ Item economy (Allow shop items to be bought/sold for ingame items(Supports items with custom item data))
✔️ Levels economy (Purchase/sell shop items using ingame levels)
✔️ DynamicPricing (A feature which makes the item prices go down/up depending on demand and supply)
✔️ Per item permissions (Add custom permissions for specific items)
✔️ PlaceholderAPI Expansion (Adding transaction based placeholders to integrate in your server)
✔️ PlaceholderAPI support (Support for placeholders inside sections, shop item names, lore, ...)
✔️ Custom enchants support (Direct enchants support from EcoEnchants, AdvancedEnchantments, ExcelentEnchants, CrazyEnchantments)
✔️ Items requirements (Players won't be able to buy/sell specific items before completing all item requirements)
✔️ EpicSpawners support (External spawner support for Epic Spawners)
✔️ UpgradeableSpawners support (External spawner support for Upgradeable Spawners)
✔️ Skull textures (Support for custom skull textures)
✔️ MySQL support (To sync limited stock/sell multipliers or DynamicPricing across multiple servers)
✔️ Search items (Search shop items with a convenient GUI using /shop search)
✔️ Update command (Download newer versions of the plugin ingame using /eshop update)
✔️ Export transactions (Indept insights by exporting transaction data using /eshop logs export)

Extra permissions above the free version:

EconomyShopGUI.shop.search (Gives access to the /shop search command)
EconomyShopGUI.eshop.import (Allow you to use the /editshop import command)
EconomyShopGUI.eshop.editor (Gives acces to the GUI Editor)
EconomyShopGUI.eshop.playerstock.add (Allows you to use the /editshop playerstock add command)
EconomyShopGUI.eshop.playerstock.set (Allows you to use the /editshop playerstock set command)
EconomyShopGUI.eshop.stock.add(Allows you to use the /editshop globalstock add command)
EconomyShopGUI.eshop.stock.set(Allows you to use the /editshop globalstock set command)
EconomyShopGUI.eshop.dynamicpricing.reset (Allows you to use the /editshop dynamicpricing reset <item/all> command)

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