Custom Piglins Trades plugin instructions:
Customized PIG trades allow you to customize all PIG trades, from required materials to trading results.
As a result of the transaction, you can run the command you want! Give user objects, give effects, run particle animations, give random objects a random number, everything!
Custom Piglins Trades plugin command:
Create a new transaction
Command:/cpt create {id}
Resolution: cpt.cmd.create
Open Editor/Menu
Command:/cpt editor or/cpt show
Resolution: cpt.cmd.editor or
Reload plugin
Command:/cpt reload
Resolution: cpt.cmd.reload
Delete transaction
Command:/cpt delete {id}
Resolution: cpt.cmd.create
Plugin compatible with Custom Piglins Trades
Here is an incomplete list of plugins that are compatible with Executableitems
You can use your Executable items to trade the required items.
You can use the Itemadder element to trade the required items.
You can use your Oraxen project to obtain the necessary items for trading.
What's New in Version
See changelogReleased
No changelog available for this version.
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