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90 files

  1. Custom Username Icons brings a new level of customization for you and your users !
    This add-on lets your user select one or multiple icons icon to be displayed near their username everywhere on your board.
    Icons can be selected either from a list of Font Awesome icons (more than 500 icons) or from a list of images icons of your choice.
    Total control is given through the admincp to fine tune and manage the functionnality:
    Permission to select an icon and configure it can be defined at user and usergroup level thanks to xF permission system
    Default username icon can be selected for each usergroup
    Edition and even forcing of username icon and configuration can be performed through user edition
    Now also providing icons for user banners !
    Works everywhere, including addons as long as they use XenForo username template syntax <xf:username> (otherwise a tweak might be required)
    Configurable icon position, either before or after the username
    Font Awesome icon (675 icons) or Image Icon, selectable through specific Font Awesome picker menus from usercp. Support Font Awesome icon transformation and animation.
    Provided with 226 image icons from from Mark James famfamfam.com: Silk Icons
    Support new image icon addition by simple upload to your ftp (see here)
    Color picker to tune Font Awesome Icons
    Live Icon Preview
    Number of icons selectable by users permission based
    Configurable custom username icons for all users of a usergroup (admin choice), if users don't have the permission to select a new username icons then it serves as default icon as well.
    Configurable custom banner icons for all usergroups
    Admin can edit user icon from the admincp User edit page
    Admin can force user icon from the admincp User Edit page
    Option to not to load Font Awesome css (eg. if loaded by another add-on)
    Users can also select their custom username color (permission based)
    Users can also select their custom user title color (permission based)
    Users can select wether they want to disable or not the font icons animation on all forum (permission based)
    Tested and work on: Media Gallery, Resources Manager
    Install/Uninstall instructions
    The readme is available HERE.
    Don't forget to install our Core add-on first, download it here.
    • Free
  2. This addon enables "chunked uploads" in XenForo and allows you to set a virtually higher maximum upload limit up to 128GB regardless of your server configuration.
    Option to define the chunk size of each upload. This value cannot be higher than the maximum upload file size reported by your server.
    Option to define the number of simultaneous chunk uploads (up to 10)
    Virtually increase the maximum attachment size up to 128GB (see limitations below)
    Integrates seamlessly with the XenForo Attachment Manager
    Easily upload 4K video directly to your forum
    To increase your storage capabilities integrate a service such as Amazon AWS or Digital Ocean Spaces - Tutorial
    For better video results it is recommended to use a video CDN such as Swarmify
    Easily bypass Cloudflare's 100MB upload limit
    How does it works?
    The addon integrates seamlessly with the same library that XenForo uses for attachment uploads. Each time you upload a large file, it gets uploaded in small chunks. When all the chunks are uploaded, the addon rebuilds the final file and then feeds it to the regular XenForo uploading process.

    The addon creates a temporary directory at internal_data/chunked_uploads to store the temporal chunks and rebuilt versions of the uploaded files. It enforces XenForo to use the local internal_data/ directory instead of the remote flysystem location, if applicable. This directory is pruned occasionally.
    Configure the addon under the Options > Attachments page.
    If you need to increase your maximum attachment file size, choose a conservative value and make some upload tests to decide if it's a file size that works for your server. Increase it or decrease depending of your test results.
    • Free
  3. Description :
    This add-on allow you to add discount codes for your user upgrades.
    Feature summary :
    Options :
    Applicable user upgrade
    Coupon code
    Coupon type :
    Flat value
    User limit :
    Limited use
    View usage (coupons)
    Upgrade coupons log
    Check code :
    Branding :
    This add-on does not include branding.
    Installation :
    Download and unzip it.
    Copy the src/addons/XenSoluce/UpgradeCoupons directory to your server.
    From the AdminCP install the add-on.
    • 6.00 USD
  4. Description :
    This add-on allow you to generate invitation codes to join your forum and more. Invitation code is required for registration, you can manage your codes easily !
    Feature summary :
    Options :
    Code required during registration
    Tokens per page
    Validity of the invitation code :
    Until X days
    Add token :
    User groups
    Maximum usable
    Add token user :
    Maximum usable
    Alert when a member registered using your invitation code
    Profile tab : Invitation
    List code :
    Show invited users
    User criteria for trophies/notice :
    User has invited at least X users
    User has invited no more than X users
    Search criteria in the ACP :
    Most invitations
    Member stats : Most invitations
    Banned users :
    User name
    Ban length :
    Reason for banning
    Permissions :
    Admin : Manage invitation system
    User : Can invite someone
    Branding :
    This add-on does not include branding.
    Installation :
    Download and unzip it.
    Copy the src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem directory to your server.
    From the AdminCP install the add-on.
    • 6.00 USD
  5. XenForo Enhanced Search is an add-on that replaces the built-in XenForo search system and is built to take advantage of Elasticsearch to provide a higher performing and more flexible search system for XenForo.

    In the beginning, XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) was intended to be a simple drop-in replacement for MySQL full text search, primarily aimed at large forums whose operation would potentially suffer when attempting to search very large database tables.

    As a drop-in, XFES only made use of the enhanced search index and speed for the formal search system, but with version 2.2 we are starting to leverage more of the power afforded by the Elasticsearch back-end.

    Similar threads
    A useful tool for surfacing content on your forum is a list of Similar or related threads, which can be displayed along with a primary thread. Visitors who have landed on that page from a search engine will often look for related material to continue their reading, and Similar threads offer a great way to provide that in an automated fashion.

    One limitation of the usefulness of Similar threads is a determination of just how similar or related the results actually are. This is where XFES comes into its own, as the Elasticsearch back-end provides a specific ability to search for more like this using the current thread as a search parameter. Given a decent amount of content from which to pluck similar results, this provides an excellent list of threads in which the viewer of the current thread may be interested.

    Similar threads widget
    We display our similar threads results in a widget, and by default we place it below the quick reply area on thread view pages, but as it is a widget you can choose to place it wherever you like on the page.
    • 5.00 USD
  6. XenCustomize News Publisher for XenForo!
    Introducing the XenCustomize News Publisher for XenForo! This powerful, feature-rich addon creates a dynamic news section within your XenForo forum. At the heart of this addon is the innovative Categorized News Index, offering a clean, organized, and user-friendly way to display your news stories. Unlike typical mixed-content displays with pagination, the categorized index presents news in easily accessible sections, enhancing the user experience and engagement.
    There are 60+ additional screenshots that cannot all be attached in this resource. If you're interested in viewing them, please follow the links provided in the features list below.

    Feature List & Screenshots (v2.3.x)
    Click on each feature for details and real-world examples (screenshots).
    News Ticker
    Enable/Disable the news ticker from the ACP to suit your preferences.
    Appears prominently at the top of your site, directly above the top breadcrumb, on every page.
    Displays your most recent 10 headlines.
    Search News Headlines
    Shows instant results as you type.
    When there are multiple results, it will take you to the results page.
    No result page.
    Categorized News Index
    Display news stories organized by categories on the index page.
    Customize the appearance of each news category using 4 display modes:
    Card Grid
    Compact List
    Expanded List
    Standout Card Grid (v2.3.1)
    Control the number of news stories displayed per category on the index page.
    Complete control over which news categories appear on the index page.
    Empty news categories (those with no news) will not be displayed on the index.
    Support for sorting categories, ensuring that changes to category display order in ACP are reflected on the index page.
    Optionally utilize multiple widget positions above and below the news stories for placement of Featured News and Trending News widgets.
    News Story View
    More options menu
    Edit news
    Edit news thumbnail
    Manage feature (XF 2.3+)
    Move news
    Reassign news
    Change discussion thread
    Delete news
    Select for moderation
    Feature (XF 2.3+)
    Unfeature (XF 2.3+)
    Apply prefix
    Discussion tab
    Custom fields tab
    Overview tab
    Key points
    Large news thumbnail
    News story
    Attach photos
    Action bar
    Edit history
    Content tags
    More stories in same category
    Sidebar blocks
    Publish date
    Last update date
    News Editors
    Widget position
    Latest news widget
    More stories by User
    Share this news story
    Structured Data Integration
    Automatically generates NewsArticle schema markup for each news story. Improves search engine visibility and ranking. Enhances discoverability of your news content.
    RSS Feed Importer
    Add/edit feed
    Fetch new entries every
    Feed is active
    Posting user
    Post as guest, use name information from feed data.
    Post as the following user
    Destination category
    Title template
    Message template
    Post immediately
    Import feed now
    Delete feed
    Enable/disable feed
    Convert threads to News stories (v2.3.6)
    News categories
    Add/edit category
    Parent category
    Display order
    Always moderate news posted in this category
    Automatically feature news posted in this category (XF 2.3+)
    Show category on index
    Number of news
    Minimum required tags
    Automatically create thread in forum
    Automatically created thread prefix
    Display mode
    Override default 'Category display mode' (Default value: Standout Card grid)
    Card grid
    Compact list
    Expanded list
    Standout card grid (v2.3.1)
    Available fields
    Available prefixes
    Require users to select a prefix
    Sort categories
    Delete category
    Add sibling or child category
    Category permissions
    Category filters
    News fields
    Add field
    Filter fields
    Delete field
    Field Display location
    Below news
    Below sidebar information
    Own tab
    Applicable categories
    and other standard options.
    News prefixes
    Add prefix
    Delete prefix
    Add prefix group
    Delete prefix group
    Select all prefixes and quick set
    Filter prefix
    News Key Points
    Enable or disable the key points feature in your admin options.
    Easy-to-use interface for adding key points to your news stories during creation or editing.
    Prominent display of key points on news stories.
    Quick editing interface on news story view.
    News Thumbnails
    Enable or disable the News Thumbnails feature in your admin options.
    News creators can upload a large (740x416) thumbnail.
    News thumbnail image is used extensively throughout the public-facing interface of the News Publisher.
    News Thumbnail Fallback Options (v2.3.1)
    Added support for external image URLs as a secondary fallback when no news thumbnail is uploaded.
    Moved the default thumbnail image to the third fallback option, utilizing the default thumbnail set in style properties.
    Updated various templates to ensure consistent display of images, thumbnails, and avatars across different views.
    News Editors
    Enable or disable the News Editors feature in your admin options.
    News authors can add up to 10 other users as news editors for each news.
    News editors are able to take actions against a news story as if it were their own, with the exception of deletions.
    Featured News (XF 2.3+)
    Category-based auto-feature option.
    News author with the "Feature/unfeature news" permission can manually feature or unfeature a news story.
    Ability to customize the feature title, snippet and image.
    The news story content type is displayed effectively in all three display styles offered by XenForo 2.3:
    Trending News (XF 2.3+)
    Included the News story content type in the Trending content widget.
    The news story content type is displayed effectively in all three display styles offered by XenForo 2.3:
    Category display modes
    Display Mode - Card Grid
    Display Mode - Expanded List
    Display Mode - Compact List
    Display Mode - Standout Card Grid (v2.3.1)
    Latest News
    Latest Comments
    Featured News(XF 2.3+)
    Trending News(XF 2.3+)
    Widget Positions
    XenCustomize News Publisher: Index above news
    A position inside the main content area of the index above the news stories.
    XenCustomize News Publisher: Index below news
    A position inside the main content area of the index below the news stories.
    XenCustomize News Publisher: Index Sidenav
    Displays inside the side navigation on the news publisher index page.
    XenCustomize News Publisher: Category Sidenav
    Displays inside the side navigation on the news publisher category page.
    XenCustomize News Publisher: News Sidebar
    Displays inside the sidebar block on the news story view page.
    Full-Fledged Commenting System
    The comment system includes the following features:
    Full support for a rich text editor.
    Attachment support.
    The ability to reply to comments using the quote feature.
    Support for multi-quoting.
    Quick inline editing:
    Edit silently
    If selected, no "last edited" note will be added for this edit.
    Clear last edit information
    If selected, any existing "last edited" note will be removed.
    Edit history support with the ability to view and compare previous versions.
    Options to delete comments with deletion types:
    Remove from public view with a reason.
    Permanently delete.
    Notify author of this action with Reason.
    Display of IP address information for comments.
    Inline moderation support with the ability to:
    Delete comments.
    Undelete comments.
    Approve comments.
    Unapprove comments.
    View of soft-deleted comments and the option to undelete.
    Warning support.
    Report support.
    Spam cleaner support.
    New comments go through an approval queue before becoming visible to the public.
    Support for reactions.
    Receive alert notifications when someone:
    Mentions you in a comment.
    Quotes your comment.
    Reacts to your comment.
    Comments on a watched news story.
    Pagination support.
    Admin-defined number of comments per page.
    Admin-defined maximum comment length.
    Admin-defined maximum comment attachment size.
    Admin-defined allowed comment attachment file types (extensions).
    Fully permission-controlled, with complete sets of permissions for users and moderators.
    Added search indexing support for comments' content type.
    Added a new navigation link for easy access to view recent comments.
    User group Permissions: News Stories
    View news
    View full news
    View news images
    React to news
    Create news
    Upload images with news
    Upload video/audio with news
    Edit own news
    Tag own news
    Tag any news
    Manage tags by others in own news
    Delete own news
    Manage news editors for own news
    User group Permissions: News (Moderator)
    Use inline moderation on news
    View deleted news
    Delete any news
    Undelete news
    Hard-delete any news
    Edit any news
    Reassign news
    Manage any tags
    View unapproved news
    Approve / unapprove news
    Feature / unfeature news (XF 2.3+)
    Give warnings on news
    User group Permissions: News Comments
    View comments
    View comment attachments
    React to comments
    Post comments
    Submit comments without approval
    Upload attachments to comments
    Upload videos to comments
    Edit own comment
    Delete own comment
    Time limit on editing/deleting own comments (minutes)
    User group Permissions: News Comments (Moderator)
    Use inline moderation on comments
    View unapproved comments
    View deleted comments
    Approve / unapprove comments
    Edit any comment
    Delete any comment
    Undelete comments
    Hard delete any comment
    Reassign comments
    Give warnings on comments
    Cron entries
    Update view counters
    Cache statistics
    Rebuild caches
    Rebuild news
    Rebuild news categories
    Optimize news thumbnails (XF 2.3+)
    Rebuild user news counts
    Rebuild news embed metadata
    Embed your News Stories anywhere! (XF2.3+)
    You can now embed News Publisher stories across your site using the new EMBED BBCode. Simply paste a News story URL into any Rich Text Editor (RTE) that supports embedding.
    • 8.00 USD
  7. Features
    Various vendor javascripts used along our add-ons
    New form row/element macros:
    FA picker
    Date and time input
    Duration input
    Enhanced color picker with JS callback support upon color selection
    Extension of node entity/repository in order to always retrieve LastPoster information as entity along node
    Extension of XF services:
    Thread creator: new function to allow definition of the poster
    Thread replier: new function to allow definition of the poster
    PayPal Adaptive payment solution with adequate xF services
    Finder trait to allow where condition removal
    Option class who allow select
    RM Categories
    MG Categories
    • Free
  8. escription

    Roster adds a complete club management system to your forum with the capability to create rosters associated to different games in each club.
    This xF add-on is usable standalone but can also be used in combination with our Tournament addon to host team tournaments.
    Key Features
    Create game list:
    Enable/Disable game
    Upload game icon
    Create unlimited custom fields for clubs
    Manage club:
    Edit club
    Upload club logo
    Unlimited number of rosters in clubs:
    Add/Edit roster
    Username autocomplete for roster captain
    Game selector
    Delete roster
    Add member in roster with username autocomplete
    Revoke user in roster
    Manage members requests to join club
    Change club owner
    Revoke user in club
    Invite member in club (via user profile and member card)
    Users can do a lot of actions:
    Send request to join club
    Cancel request
    Leave club
    Report Club
    Activity Stream and alert notification in club:
    Log owner actions on club (edit club, revoke user...)
    Log user actions about club (join, leave...)
    Club members list
    Club rosters list: we can also view members with member lists overlay
    Clubs moderation:
    You can moderate all clubs (club is automatically disable) when:
    Club is created
    Club is edited
    Club owner changed
    You can see all reports
    • Free
  9. [SVG] XenDeep Style for engine version 2.3+:
    Style for engine version 2.3+:
    Has two display options (dark and light)
    Own font Proxima Nova
    Mega footer
    Changing the position of footer links
    Transfer to mega footer block
    Social Media Icons
    Possibility to change the position of icons
    In the mega footer
    In copyright
    Collapsing the category block
    Collapsing the sidebar
    Change the position of the button
    Forum Title
    In navigation
    Sticky sidebar with option to disable
    Possibility to move the style change button to the navigation
    Possibility to move the language change button to navigation
    Additional block of links in the command panel
    Separating pinned topics from normal ones
    Tooltip for categories
    XF2 Styles - Free - [SVG] XenDeep | XF2 Nulled Xenforo

    • Free
  10. Main Features of Not Alone:
    Fully Responsive Layout
    Dark and Light version
    Font-awsome navigation icons
    Font-awsome visitor menu icons
    Search box area
    Font-awsome sidebar icons
    Remove Sub-navigation row
    Show/Hide Breadcrumbs
    Hide Forum Title in Index Page
    Collapsible Categories
    Sticky Sidebar
    Collapsible Sidebar
    Posting Icons
    Modern Cross Browser Support
    And more...
    • Free
  11. Screenshots are still to be added, XF1 version has similar functionality and the screenshots

    This add-on introduces potentially breaking changes to moderation permissions. Please review usergroup permissions carefully to ensure moderators do not lose access to the report center!

    A Collection of improvements to XF's reporting system. Fully phrased.

    On install, all existing warnings are copied into a new warning change tracking log and associated with reports. This process occurs as a background task, and is non-disruptive.

    Note; when reports are sent to a forum, the warning<->report links can not be created!

    Feature list:

    Improve performance of Report Center by reducing stock XenForo N+1 query behaviour
    Permission based access to the report center:
    Default permissions set for groups (global/content) for groups with warn or edit basic profile permissions.
    New Permissions:
    View Report center
    Comment on open report
    Comment on closed report
    Update a report's status
    Assign report
    View Reporter Username
    React to report comments
    View User Report
    View Profile Post Report
    View Conversation Report
    Edit own report comment
    Time limit on editing/deleting own report comments (minutes)
    Edit any report comment
    View attachments to report comments
    Upload attachments to report comments
    Upload videos to report comments
    Attachment Size (kb)
    Maximum Attachment Count
    Sends an Alert to moderators who have commented/reported on a report.
    Only sends an alert if the previous alert has not been viewed
    Report Alerts link to the actual comments for longer reports
    Report Alerts include the title of the report
    Alert moderators if a report is assigned to them
    Links Warnings to reports.
    Visible from the warning itself, and when issuing warnings against content.
    Link reply bans to reports
    Log reply bans into report system
    Optional Issue a reply-ban on issuing a warning (default disabled)
    Allow reply-banning through a closed threads for moderators
    Link Reports to Warnings.
    Logs changes to Warnings (add/edit/delete), and associates them with a report.
    Automatically create a report for a warning.
    When issuing a Warning, option to resolve any linked report.
    Optional ability to log warnings into reports when they expire. This does not disrupt who the report was assigned to, and does not re-open the report.
    Report Comment Likes.
    Resolved Report Alerts are logged into Report Comments (as an explicit field).
    Search report comments
    Optional ability to search report comments by associated warning points, and warned user. (Requires Enhanced Search Improvements add-on)
    Reverse order of report comments (default disabled)
    Optional auto-reject/resolve sufficiently old reports (default disabled)
    Show content date when viewing a report
    Show forum for post reports in report list
    Permission-based ability to join a reported conversation
    • Free
  12. This add-on will:
    Add a carefully curated collection of the most useful and most requested media sites. A list of supported URLs can be found on this page.
    Improve the performance and efficiency of the default media sites. Pages will load as fast whether there are no videos or 100 videos.
    Improve the loading of embedded tweets. Content does not jump around while tweets are loading.
    Load embedded content without injecting third-party scripts into the page. The add-on uses a small inline script for its lazy loader.
    Add configurable support for Mastodon instances.
    Add various quality-of-life improvements found in the add-on's options.
    Add a button to supported video players (YouTube and others) to make them float in the corner of the screen like a miniplayer and allow the user to keep an eye on the video while reading the rest of the page.
    • Free
  13. A solid foundation to use as is or create something amazing for your community. We build all our styles on this.
    • Free
  14. DragonByte keeps a watchful eye over your forum even when you are not there, and has the capability to alert you of any suspicious activity.

    DragonByte is the ideal product for forums that are concerned about security, or wish to be alerted when something suspicious happens. Featuring multiple "Security Watchers" such as Failed Logins and Failed AdminCP Logins, you can set up different "tiers" of actions to be taken when certain thresholds are met. For example, if someone tries to log in to 5 different accounts from the same IP address in 1 hour, you can alert the webmaster. If they try 15 accounts in 1 hour, ban the IP address from your forum entirely.

    It keeps a watchful eye on your configuration file, ensuring that it does not get modified by mods or plugins. You can also optionally receive email alerts when any template is modified, including a colourised change log, so you can easily see if someone has added malicious code to your templates.
    Add in the ability to permanently trust devices in your XenForo's Two-Factor Authentication module, as well as managing trusted devices and login sessions via your Account page, DragonByte can easily be called one of the most comprehensive security suites for your XenForo forum.
    Display Version Number
    Enable Modification
    Reason For Turning The Modification Off
    Block Tor Exit Nodes
    Security Breach Closed Reason
    Security Watcher: Display Limit
    Compromised Account Alert: Limit
    Compromised Account Alert: Alert Staff
    Compromised Account Alert: Lock Account
    Enable File Health Check
    Enable Template Modification Check
    Prune "Admin Strikes Log" (Days)
    Prune "Login Strikes Log" (Days)
    Prune "IP Matcher Log" (Days)
    (Pro) GeoIP2 File Path
    Bad Behavior
    Enable Bad Behaviour Detection
    Enable Strict Mode
    Enable Logging
    Enable Verbose Logging
    Disable EU Cookie Exemption
    Exempt Registered Members
    Reverse Proxy
    http:BL API Key
    http:BL Threat Level
    http:BL Maximum Age
    Usergroup Permissions
    Minimum Password Length
    Password Requires Lower-case Characters
    Password Requires Upper-case Characters
    Password Requires Numbers
    Password Requires Symbols
    Password Expiry (Days)
    Browsable Logs
    Admin Login Strikes: Failed AdminCP Logins
    Login Strikes: Failed Front-End Logins
    Change Log: Edits such as new user groups, deleted user groups, permission changes, etc
    IP Ban Log: IP addresses banned by security watchers
    Compromised Log: Accounts that have been successfully logged in to after a number of failed logins
    Watcher Log: Security watcher triggers
    Fingerprint Log: Users' browser fingerprints
    Filtering / Sorting options
    Security Watchers
    config.php Variable Tampering
    AdminCP Access Attempts
    Failed Logins
    Failed Mass Logins
    Failed Non-Existent Logins
    Failed Mass Non-Existent Logins
    XenForo Options
    Whitelisted IP Addresses
    Whitelisted IP Addresses - Exclude Super Administrators
    Board is Active
    Inactive Board Message
    User Data
    User Name
    Primary Usergroup
    Additional Usergroups
    Receive Admin Emails
    New Usergroup
    Deleted Usergroup
    Forum Permissions
    Admin Permissions
    New Device Fingerprints (Member Accounts)
    New Device Fingerprints (Staff Accounts)
    Compromised Account Lock
    Ability to lock an account if it's detected as compromised
    Prevents any action on the forum
    The user whose account was logged in to will need to click a link in their email inbox to unlock their account
    Compromised Account Alert
    Alert staff when an account has potentially been compromised
    Security Watcher: Failed Staff Logins
    Identical to "Failed Logins" watcher, except only for staff accounts
    Allows you to set stricter rules for staff accounts, or optionally only alert the webmaster if a staff account is broken into
    Failed Staff Logins can lock the account in one of two ways; User Unlock or Admin Unlock. Admin Unlock requires an administrator (other than the affected user) to unlock the account.
    Search IP Addresses
    By user name
    By IP address
    Depth (searches for other users / other IP addresses as well)
    Search New IPs - This search lets you find whether any user account has been accessed by a new IP address since a specific date
    Find Multi-Account Access IPs - This search lets you find what IP addresses have accessed multiple accounts, if any
    Suspect IP Range Search - Collates IPs from various DB Security logs and matches partial IPs to detect suspicious IP ranges
    Find Potential Intruder IP Addresses - Displays a list of IP addresses who have failed to login to valid member accounts more than once
    Country Blocking
    You can now block any country from your forum easily by selecting the country via the new AdminCP page
    Uses XenForo's IP Ban system to ban the IP ranges assigned to each country
    Browser Fingerprinting
    You can enable browser fingerprinting and have this logged alongside a member's user ID and IP address
    Used in two new security watchers
    Defaults to off
    Manage Settings Backups
    A full "dump" of the current XenForo settings are backed up automatically via a cron job
    Can be manually saved via this page
    Can be loaded via this apge
    Forced Password Change
    Forces all users to change password the next time they visit the forum
    Redirects users to the Change Password form in the Account page
    Can be limited to only force password change for users without 2FA enabled
    Can be limited to only force password change for users who have been inactive for X days
    Mass Password Reset
    Uses XenForo's own system for generating new random passwords
    Uses XenForo's email template for sending notifications of the reset in order to maximise familiarity for users
    Can be limited to only reset passwords for users without 2FA enabled
    Can be limited to only reset passwords for users who have been inactive for X days
    Password Rules
    Per-usergroup password rules
    Length, Lower-case, Upper-case, Numbers, Symbols
    Enforces the rules before the form can be submitted
    Works on Registration and Change Password in the Account page
    Trusted Devices Management
    Optionally trust devices permanently when logging in with Two-Factor Authentication
    See a list of all trusted devices in the Two-Factor Authentication page in the "Your Account" page
    Revoke device trust with one click
    Session Management
    Track all devices currently logged in to your account
    See a list of all currently logged devices in a new Login Sessions page in the "Your Account" page
    Force a device to log out with one click
    Only works with devices that have accessed the forum since installing the mod, but does not require logout/login
    Login Failure Response
    Login failures are modified to give the same response if the user name or password is wrong
    Helps prevent brute forcing by not giving attackers an indication of what accounts are valid
    Template Alterations
    Optionally receive an email when a template is altered
    Includes direct link to view the template history
    Shows a diff similar to the template history
    Can be toggled in the Options for this mod
    Tor Exit Node Blocking
    Optionally block Tor exit nodes
    List of exit nodes for your site is updated via a cron job
    Can be toggled in the Options for this mod
    • Free
  15. DragonByte Shop is the most advanced shop mod to date. Giving you unprecedented control over what items you can sell, DragonByte Shop is the perfect mod to go along with virtually any points modification.
    With features like overridingย anyย usergroup permission, including those of custom modifications, DragonByte Shop raises the bar for what you will come to expect from a shop mod.


    Most other shop modifications add support for overriding certain stock actions, like increased PM space, increased avatar size, super moderator permissions, etc...
    DragonByte Shop takes this to the next level and offers you 100% control overย every single usergroup permission conceivable, including those of modifications we've never even heard of!

    Usergroup permissions is not all it can do, however. It can also let members buy styling for your user title like bold, italics and colors, user title changing, username changing, and more!

    It also offers a simple points system that you can use if you do not wish to add a points modification to your forum.

    Feature List

    DragonByte Credits integration:ย All of your DragonByte Shop purchases will show up in DragonByte Credits, allowing you to fully utilise the power of the Credits mod to support your Shop! New event triggers are automatically created when an action is taken within the Shop mod.

    Multiple currencies:ย You can create multiple different currencies, and optionally integrate all or some of them with DragonByte Credits. This allows you to sell items in a wide variety of different currencies, each with their own rate of earning.

    Categories:ย As an administrator you can create multiple categories that sells different (or the same) items. Categories can be organised in a tree structure for easy browsing. Categories can also have user group permissions, allowing you to fine-tune who can create items within each category.
    Categories can also have a "Beneficiary", meaning someone other than the item owner can optionally receive all or part of the proceeds from selling each individual item. Beneficiary amounts can be split in any amount of 0-100%.

    Items:ย A powerful item system allows you to create a wide array of different items with different configurations. Like categories, items can have their own individual user group or user permissions.
    Items can have the following properties:
    Only giftable
    Start conversation when gifted
    Can re-gift
    Unique (can only purchase one of this item)
    Exclusive (can only purchase one of this item type)
    Always hidden (item is not displayed in the postbit)
    Stealth item (item is not displayed in a user's inventory or postbit)
    Allow re-configuration
    Automatically discard after configuration
    Automatically discard after expiry
    Item price / currency
    Sell-back price / currency
    Sell-back time limit
    Sell-back replenishes stock
    Stock refill interval
    Purchase notifications
    Configure notifications
    Reviews:ย Members are able to rate & review items, with optional requirements of entering review text and requiring purchase before a review can be left.
    • 6.00 USD
  16. Description :
    This add-on allow your to define several durations for a subscription.
    Feature summary :
    Options :
    View duration
    Add duration :
    Length :
    For length
    Display order
    Branding :
    This add-on does not include branding.
    Installation :
    Download and unzip it.
    Copy the src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradeDuration directory to your server.
    From the AdminCP install the add-on.
    • Free
  17. This add-on uses Credis with a custom cache provider for Redis. For best performance, install the php extension: phpredis

    You must have a Redis instance installed, this is likely not possible with shared hosting

    While XenForo 2 has a redis connector, it requires phpredis. This add-on does not.

    Feature overview
    A pure php redis connector
    High availability support
    Exposes redis cache object for use for use by other add-ons
    Implements some minor caching of forum thread counts
    Redirect's XenForo's individual css template caching to hit redis as otherwise it causes unexpected write & deadlocking on the xf_css_cache table

    Edit src/config.php and add:
    $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['sessions'] = true; $config['cache']['provider'] = 'SV\RedisCache\Redis'; $config['cache']['config'] = [ 'server' => '', 'port' => 6379, ];For details see the XenForo Manual: https://xenforo.com/docs/xf2/cache/

    Please be aware that Redis is very sensitive to latency in a virtual environment. If repeated connection failures or protocol errors are experienced disable any Redis Persistence options.

    By default, forum thread counts are cached. In general, this is observable when moving large number of threads from one forum to another, and the total page counts are wrong.
    • Free
  18. Our Hello Bulut Theme has a simple and clean design with a Modern layout style. Unconditional It can be used for every site, does not tire the eyes, does not contain additional graphics, js files, has stable working features. The theme has GPLv3 license.
    • Free
  19. Uniform is a light, modern theme focused around a background picker which applies a single background image throughout the entire forum, including category bars and forum icons. The theme is packed with customizable features which can be easily enabled or disabled from within the Admin Control Panel.
    • Free
  20. Dimension is a minimalistic theme for xenforo with a unique header effect. Once scrolled, the parallax header collapses into a fixed bar at the top of the page, while also blurring the background image, placing focus on your navigation links. The theme is packed with customizable features which can be easily enabled or disabled from within the Admin Control Panel.
    • Free
  21. Novus is a clean, modern theme with a professional color scheme which is very simple to modify via Style Properties. The header area is large enough to accommodate for big logos and full width banners, and the navigation bar sticks to the top of the screen for easy access.
    • Free
  22. Description:
    Use the New Threads widget as an article preview with some extra customization. This add-on extends the New threads widget to display threads in a more attractive way, to show them as featured threads or in any other way you might want to use.

    Check the FAQ tab on how to set it all up.

    This add-on is very similar to [cXF] Enhanced Search Forum Widget (screenshots below are the same).

    A simple demo of thread blocks is available on our forum.

    show threads from the New threads widget as article preview blocks
    option to view thread blocks in a scroll container
    set the number of thread blocks in a row
    show or hide post snippet
    set snippet length
    option to set the image aspect ratio (4/3 or 16/9)
    set a custom image for threads with no image in the first post
    show or hide View full article link
    show or hide thread block footer
    options to show thread blocks on narrow screens (mobile)
    two style configurations in style properties for enhanced widgets
    set up to 3 widgets for each style
    • Free
  23. Description
    Do you have recurring questions from your users? The FAQ system is for you.
    It allows you to create categories, frequently asked questions and answers to these questions.
    Fully style configurable
    Add public categories and private categories
    Add frequently asked questions with
    Editor for answer
    Attachment system
    Drag and drop sorting system
    Usergroup permissions
    • Free
  24. Importing data from other software, XenForo can import information from other forums, including users, forums, topics, posts, and private messages, as well as various other data.
    This would be very useful if you want to migrate your forum from another software package, or if your forum needs to merge or absorb another forum site.
    The XenForo importer is now installed through a separate add-on that you can download from the client area.
    XenForo 2 supports importing data from the following sources:
    XenForo 2.x
    VBulletin 3.6 to 5.3
    IPS 4.x
    PHPBB 3.2 to 3.3
    Single mode fiber 2.0
    My BB 1.8
    Discourse 2. x
    • Free
  25. Turbo starts with fresh colors and a gorgeous design. This theme has different layouts, such as the standard layout, a side nav layout, and a boxed layout. It also has a refreshed node layout.
    RE-ME Framework Features List
    You donโ€™t just get a simple theme; youโ€™ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. Itโ€™s your website; make it yours!
    Google Web font is easily configured.
    Node Background
    Avatar Shape
    Custom Scrollbar
    Guest Message
    Sticky Staff tools
    Text Logo
    Two Login Triggers Styles
    Remove Sub-navigation row
    Collapsible Categories
    Sticky Category Strips
    Simplified Node Statics
    "New" Indicator Label
    Sidebar Position
    Sticky Sidebar
    Collapsible Sidebar
    Collapsible Sidebar Blocks
    Separate Sticky Threads
    Show avatar of who last posted
    Online/Offline status indicator in the discussion list
    Three Different Messages Layout
    First Post Unique Background
    Offline status indicator
    Collapsible User Extras
    Optional Glyphs (Navigation-Sidebar-Message ActionBar)
    Extra Footer is easily customized with 8 different widgets.
    And more......
    • 6.00 USD

Top Downloads

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    XenForo is a powerful community forum software that provides users with a simple and easy-to-use interface and rich communication features. Users can easily communicate through posting, sending private messages, using tags, and other methods. Its interface design is responsive, suitable for various devices, and has good customizability. Administrators can expand functionality and beautify interfaces through plugins and theme customization, while utilizing powerful management tools to manage user
  2. MaterialXen


    Material design is basically a result of Googleโ€™s set of guidelines for better designing, keeping in mind mobile users. It supports better browsing by enhancing the visual and motion experience. This theme is almost Material-based to make a better user experience. RE-ME Framework Features List You donโ€™t just get a simple theme; youโ€™ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. Itโ€™s your website; make it yours! Google Web font is easily configured. Node Background Avata
  3. Quick Search


    Quick Search is a small application that instantly brings an intuitive search form and smart autocomplete. Results are displayed with eye-catching thumbnails, providing a seamless browsing experience across all applications. Make finding content easier and faster with Quick Search! Settings: Enable/Disable. Permissions for member groups. Max results. Search incomplete words Find results inย Content titles onlyย  | ย Content titles and body Search Mode: OR / AND Set default search type for all
  4. Better Statistics


    The Better Statistics application for Invision Community 5 combines the statistics from the two widgets, "Member Statistics" and "Forum Statistics," into one. The application uses the original code from both widgets.
  5. Transliteration


    Translocation is an application that allows you to translate non Latin URLs into Latin letters to improve SEO optimization in your community. You can also add any other characters. Supported characters: Latin Greek Turkish Russian Ukrainian Czech Polish Latvian