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SEO Essentials 2.4.2

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SEO Essentials is a powerful IPS 4.7 toolkit that can help you improve your community's rating.

This application will provide you with a great overview of topics and IP page records, which can/need to be optimized based on title length (to avoid Google changing SERP titles). It will provide you with an excellent content overview about a specific topic, allowing you to tag content that should not be indexed for Google and the company to know. They should not index it.


Get an overview of all your topics, their visibility and important parameters like the Page Title Length.

Google Search Console Integration

See Headline Hierarchy of any page

Another feature of this application is that moderators can flag topics which aren't worth to be indexed, so that google knows that it doesn't need to index it at all! Once the topic was flagged, a no index tag will be added and it will also be automatically excluded from the sitemap!

The same is possible for IP Pages! Any page can be flagged as not to index within the ACP-Page Manager.

Optional : set OG:Image & Twitter image/metadata

Log 404 errors ( Any page which returns 404 can be logged. It's important to know about the 404 pages, especially if they're coming up a lot!

The application will also log the URLs from where the visitor is coming from.

Health Check - Check the IPS settings and see adjustment hints

Content Replacement - Replace words & phrases from UGC with affiliate links, other words ( SEO), internal linking..

REST API & Webhook Support.

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