Have you ever wanted to translate your server into multiple languages?
Well, look no further! Triton offers this among a whole host of other awesome features! This plugin uses a placeholder that will be replaced (dynamically, per player) with a message defined in the language file.
The documentation can be found on Triton's website.
NOTE: Triton is not an automatic/machine translator. All messages must be configured manually in the desired language.
Since v2.0.0, all plugins should be able to be translated, even if they don't have configurable messages. Please take a look at the limitations section below.
Translate any chat message, action bar, title/subtitle, inventory titles, holograms, NPC names, kick/ban messages, tab header/footers, custom tabs, item names/lores, signs, bossbars¹, books, MOTD, scoreboards², advancements³, and death screen.
BungeeCord support
Partial Velocity support (check docs)
Unlimited languages
API for developers
Language GUI selector with flags
Edit your messages online with TWIN (Triton Web INterface)
Reload your config in-game without restarting your server
Change how the placeholder looks depending on the type of message (chat, scoreboard, item, etc)
Change another player's language using commands (online and offline)
Run commands when a player changes their language
Dynamic values in translated messages and signs
Supports all stable Spigot versions since Spigot 1.8.8
Full MySQL support
Automatic generator tool to help bulk translate plugins
Doesn't allow players to type placeholders in the chat
Translate your terminal (console output) to the main language
Configurable internal messages
¹ Bossbar translation requires Spigot 1.9+
² Scoreboard translation might only partially work and requires Spigot 1.13+; full translation is possible through PlaceholderAPI, see the Limitations section below
³ Advancements translation requires Spigot 1.12+
Some awesome people have created add-ons using Triton's API, adding even more features!
Triton needs the following to run:
Spigot 1.8.8+ (Spigot 1.8 to 1.8.7 is not officially supported)
BungeeCord or Velocity proxy (optional)
Java 8+ (for Spigot 1.17+, Java 16 is required)
ProtocolLib 5.3.0 or newer
PlaceholderAPI (optional)
Note (2024-06-19): The latest dev builds of ProtocolLib seem to have broken support for Minecraft 1.8.8; you might need to use an older version of Triton that can work with an older version of ProtocolLib.
For better compatibility, please only use the latest version of every major version. Currently, (officially) supported versions are: 1.8.8, 1.9.2, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.1, 1.19.4, 1.20.6 and 1.21.4.
Please do not buy this plugin if your server does not meet these requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure this plugin will work in your server environment. We do not offer refunds.
Spigot and BungeeCord forks, like Paper and Waterfall, will receive bug fixes as well, even though internal testing is done on vanilla Spigot and BungeeCord.
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