/cosmin help: displays help message
/cosmetics: opens cosmetic gui
/cosmin reload: reloads all config files
/cosmin view [player_name]: opens another player cosmetic gui
/cosmin clear [player_name]: clears player data
/cosmin equip [slot_type] [item_name] [player_name] (forceequip) (replace): equips a specific item on player
/cosmin dequip [slot_type] [player_name]: d-equips specific item from player
/cosmin buy [player_name] [item_name] (take-money): purchases specified item for player
/cosmin take [player_name] [item_name]: takes away a purchased item from player
/cosmin import [item_name] [slot_type]: Imports the item player is holding in main hand as a cosmin item in imported-items.yml with the specified name.
/cosmin generate [pack_name] (should-zip): Generates a resource pack based on the files in texture folder and registered cosmetic items, if should-zip is true(false by default) the pack will be generated as zip
/cosmin openwardrobe [slot] [player-name]: opens wardrobe gui directly for specified player
/cosmin openstore [slot] [player-name]: opens store menu directly for specified player
More detailed description of commands with examples and permissions can be foundHERE
To use the placeholders belowPlaceHolderAPIis required
%cosmin_purchased_items_head%: returns the amount of items player has purchased for HEAD slot
%cosmin_purchased_items_chest%: returns the amount of items player has purchased for CHEST slot
%cosmin_purchased_items_legs%: returns the amount of items player has purchased for LEGS slot
%cosmin_purchased_items_feet%: returns the amount of items player has purchased for FEET slot
%cosmin_purchased_items_offhand%: returns the amount of items player has purchased for OFFHAND slot
%cosmin_purchased_items_total%: returns the amount of items player has purchased from all slots combined
%cosmin_purchased_items_percentage%: returns the percentage of items player has purchased out of total available items in store
%cosmin_purchased_sets%: returns the amount of sets player has purchased
%cosmin_purchased_sets_percentage%: returns the percentage of sets player has purchased out of total available sets in store
%cosmin_armor_head_name%: returns the display name of item present in fake helmet slot, only returns item name if the fake slot is enabled
%cosmin_armor_chest_name%: returns the display name of item present in fake chest slot, only returns item name if the fake slot is enabled
%cosmin_armor_legs_name%: returns the display name of item present in fake leggings slot, only returns item name if the fake slot is enabled
%cosmin_armor_feet_name%: returns the display name of item present in fake boots slot, only returns item name if the fake slot is enabled
%cosmin_armor_offhand_name%: returns the display name of item present in fake Off Hand slot, only returns item name if the fake slot is enabled
The examples given below containing custom armor textures were created for demonstration purposes only, cosmin does not come with any premade items and texture packs.
Enchants like Aqua Affinity and Depth Strider will NOT work when cosmetic armor is equiped, as they are client sided enchants
Player should be in SURVIVAL mode for them to see the cosmetic/fake armor for themselves, whereas other players can see their cosmetic armor in any gamemode
Even with pack generator, you need some of knowledge of resource packs, if you dont know basics then dont buy this plugin
Custom textures for chestplate,leggings and boots require optifine
Auto pack generator currently dosnt support versions below 1.14
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