Item Upgrader
Item Upgrader is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to upgrade their items to other items.
Official page
Minecraft Version Support: Compatible with Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21.4.
Supports Custom Textured Items: Compatible with Oraxen and ItemsAdder for custom item textures.
Supports EcoItems: Compatible with items from the EcoItems plugin.
Economy Integration: Supports popular economy plugins via the Vault API.
Highly Customizable: Includes fully customizable messages and settings.
Chained Upgrades: Item upgrades are dependent on other upgrades.
Required Items: Option to set a list of items required before upgrading.
Upgrade Chances: Option to set different success rates for various item upgrades.
Customizable Permissions: Set specific permissions required to open the Upgrade Menu.
Confirmation Menu: Customizable menu for confirming item upgrades.
World-Specific Access: The Upgrade Menu can only be opened in specific worlds.
Upgrade Restrictions: Option to specify which items can and cannot be upgraded.
Sound Effects: Option to play sounds for various actions, such as insufficient balance,, item breaking and more
Upgrade Pricing: Option to set prices for different item upgrades (works with economy plugins).
Customizable Upgrades: Option to set the upgraded item's name, lore, and enchantments.
Enchantments Reset: Option to remove previous item's enchantments in the upgraded item.
Item Flags and Durability: Option to set item flags for upgraded items and make them unbreakable.
Disallowed Enchantments: Option to specify enchantments that prevent an item from being upgraded. If the item contains any of these enchantments, the upgrade will be blocked.
Enchantment Merging: Previous item's enchantments can be merged with the upgraded item, applying the higher level if the same enchantments are present.
Custom Enchantment Support: Compatible with custom enchantments from other plugins, such as EcoEnchants.
Smithing Template Support: Compatible with Smithing Templates (requires Minecraft 1.20 and higher).
Hex Color Code Support: Compatible with hex color codes (requires Minecraft 1.16 and higher).
PlaceholderAPI Support: Integration with PlaceholderAPI.
What's New in Version 1.5.1
See changelogReleased
No changelog available for this version.
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