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supastarter - SaaS starter kit for Next.js and Nuxt 2024.11.30

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Download Supastarter SaaS starter kit
Save time and focus on your business with our production-ready SaaS boilerplates and templates for Next.js and Nuxt.

Authentication. Let your users sign up and login with password, magic link or oAuth.

supastarter includes all common authentication methods, gives you full control over your user data and let's you fully customize the authentication flow.

Payments. Charge your users with subscriptions. Choose your preferred payment provider.

supastarter supports Lemonsqueezy, Stripe and Chargebee as payment providers. You can easily switch between them or add your own payment provider.

i18n. Reach more customers by making your app multilingual.

To make your app accessible to everyone, internationalization support is included out of the box.

Mails. Send transactional emails to your customers.

Coming with multiple mail provider integrations and ready-to-use email templates, you can easily create and send emails to your customers.

Style. Modern, beautiful UI. Just the way you like it.

Your SaaS app is fully customizable and you can easily change the styling to match your brand. It is also compatible with shadcnUI.

Backend. Choose your database, use your API wherever you want.

The backend is based on tRPC and Prisma. You can easily extend the API, add new endpoints, manage permissions and more. The API is fully typed and can be easily reused for mobile apps or a customer API.

AI. Add artificial intelligence to your app and give your customers superpowers.

supastarter comes with a ready-to-use AI integration based on Vercels AI SDK which allows you to easily connect to all major AI providers like LangChain, OpenAI, Hugging Face and more.

More. Production-ready SaaS features to make your life easier.

supastarter has evolved over two years and the feedback of hundreds of users to provide you with all the common functionality and tools you need to build a SaaS.

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