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    • Version 2.0.0-beta3
    Introducing ItemSkins - the ultimate plugin that brings life to your server with unique and customizable cosmetics! Our plugin is EULA-friendly, which means you won't have to worry about any legal issues. ItemSkins is a revolutionary plugin that uses custom model data to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for your players. Our plugin works by replacing item very cautiously to ensure data stored on the item is preserved and doesn't get removed. This means that players can enjoy a wide variety of skins without having to worry about losing any information such as nbt tags. Our plugin is designed with ease of use in mind, making it simple for server owners to add and manage skins for their items. This feature also ensures that players can quickly and easily change the skins of their items, providing a customizable and unique gameplay experience. This plugin need packetevents to be installed on your server to function properly. /itemskins - shows help messages /itemskins reload - reload the configuration (itemskins.admin) /itemskins physical (player) (material) (skin) [amount] - gives physical skin to specific player (itemskins.admin) /itemskins remover (player) [amount] - give skin remover to specific player (itemskins.admin) /skins - open the skin selector inventory ItemSkinsprovides permissions so as a server owner you can tailor the gameplay experience for different players. The available permissions are: itemskins.admin - Access to various admin commands. If you needsupportor reportissuesandsuggestionsrelated to ItemSkins plugin, please join ourDiscord Server. If you've purchased this plugin and have a discord account linked you will automatically get verified. Our support team will assist you as quickly as possible, due to the different timezone please kindly wait to get a response.
    • Version 1.16.5
    What should I do? The card runs strictly with WorldGuard! 1. Where is the map automatically thrown? Yes, you already know, on your server! 2. Put the WorldGuard folder and WorldGuard bukkit-7.0.4.jar into the plugin. Important!!! If wg is not running, ice will damage the map! Everything is ready! The world is empty! The lobby area has been established! What else do you need? Use it!
    • Version 14.1.5
    Supported Minecraft Versions: 1.20.6, 1.21.4 Supported Server Types: Spigot & Paper Java Requirement: Java 21+ Test Server If you would like to test the plugin yourself you can join: test-server.file14.net Installation Please read the wiki when setting up the resource. It contains all the information you'll need to know. Terms Of Use By purchasing this plugin or downloading new versions, you accept the terms of use. Support About to post a review? Please do NOT post any issues as a review! If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, just private message me or use the discussion page. You can also contact me through Discord.
    • Version 3.1.1
    zKOTH which means "King of the Hill". will allow you to add an event to your server where the objective will be the capture of a zone that you have defined. The other players will have to try to dislodge the capturing player to be able to capture the zone in their turn. At the end of the countdown time, the winner will win different prizes that you have defined. Optimized code designed for use on large servers. 3 modes: classic, point and timer In-game configuration. Every message are configurable Custom built in scoreboard A long list of placeholders (https://groupez.dev/resources/zkoth.9/wiki) Allows you to scheduler KOTH with two mode: delay or repeat Unlimited koths - Create as many koths as you want. Unlimited activation - Launch as many koths at the same time as you want. Several loot systems (drop of items on the ground, appearance of a chest, execution of a command, adding items to the inventory) Full API (https://javadocs.groupez.dev/zkoth/v2) Progressbar with placeholder Scheduler: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/zschedulers.112705/ Hex color Changing blocks Add beacon on start Placeholders: https://zkoth.groupez.dev/placeholders Commands: https://zkoth.groupez.dev/commands Need to add a new plugin ? Come and ask me on discord: https://discord.groupez.dev/ Teams Hooks: FactionsX SuperiorSkyblock2 Guilds LegacyFactions Massivecraft Factions SavageFactions Saberfactions FactionUUID UltimateFaction BetterTeams Scoreboard Hooks: FeatherBoard TabPremium TitleManager
    • Version 1.0
    Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 2 reviews 5.0 | 2 reviews Abandoned haunted dungeon, which has multiple rooms Size: ≈ 275x205 Versions: 1.8 - 1.21+ Start corridorMultiple rooms to fightMany staircases, corridorsNatural parkour + treasure chestLava parkour + treasure chestBoss roomDownload Files 3D Model Support Build can be loaded on any version 1.8+ and higher, versions below are provided as there are new blocks in these versions Java Schematic: • 1.8 - 1.11 with 1.8 blocks • ⁢⁢⁢⁢1.12 - 1.15 with 1.12 blocks • ⁢⁢⁢⁢1.16 - 1.18 with 1.16 blocks • 1.19 - 1.21+ with 1.19 blocks Java World: • 1.8 - 1.11 with 1.8 blocks • ⁢⁢⁢⁢1.12 - 1.15 with 1.12 blocks • ⁢⁢⁢⁢1.16 - 1.18 with 1.16 blocks • 1.19 - 1.21+ with 1.19 blocks Minecraft Bedrock: • .mcworld file
    • Version
    Economy: For CMI economy to properly work you will need one of two solutions: 1. Is to use recompiled Vault version from HERE which has direct support for CMI economy and will have the best compatibility with other plugins. 2. Use economy injector from HERE which will add CMI economy support to any Vault build. Both methods are valid but second one can have small issues with plugins which would tend to load straight after Vault loads and before injector himself. P.S. Don't forget to enable Economy in a config file. This plugin is made to be all in one plugin for server management and replace multiple outdated plugins. It can fully replace Essentials/EssentialsX and contains simple conversion commands to transfer old player data to new system. It offers more features than you expect and provides most needed tools for creating your own unique server with new game mechanics. Features ranging from basic ones, like heal, to most advanced ones, like kit editors ingame, item finder across all possible containers, portal systems, self updating signs on so on. Why its 15 Euro? Because its worth 150, but that would be too much to ask Just check review section if you have any doubt about this plugin.
    • Version v2.0.1
    Features:20 exclusive menus Anvil menu Beacon menu Blast furnace menu shulker box menu generic 54 menu inventory menu sizes x9, x18, x27, x36, x45, x54 to create your customized menus. (Not included) ItemsAdder configuration (Easy to install) and more!
    • Version 1.0
    Mushroom Monster Introducing the MushBrothers! This unique and terrifying creature comes in three versions: baby, alpha, and elder, with the elder being incredibly strong. Whether you're looking for a new challenge or to add excitement to your gaming experience, MushBrothers is the perfect choice. 📦 Included: Baby Mush Alpha Mush Elder Mush 📁 Files included: 📦 MythicMobs (Drag and Drop) 📦 ModelEngine (Drag and Drop) 📝 README File
    • Version 1.0
    3D Model Spells: Water Slicer Water Beam Water Rain Water Tornado Water Jump Pre-Made Configurations ItemsAdder drag and drop config Oraxen drag and drop config
    • Version 1.0
    Included in the Bloody Emperor Animated Weapon Set: Axe Backpack Bow Chest Crossbow Fishing Rod Greatsword Hammer Hat Chestplate Leggings Boots Hoe Key Knife Pickaxe Scythe Shield Shovel Spear Staff Sword Wing Pre-Made Configurations ItemsAdder drag and drop config Oraxen drag and drop config
    • Version 1.0
    21 tiny, fully animated, meadow-themed animal pets with ai included! Currently includes: – 3 cows – 2 sheep – Pig – Horse – Goat – White and brown rabbit – Male and female deer – Bee – Ladybug – Yellow and blue butterflies – Snail – Hedgehog – Badger – Raccoon – Opossum >Pixelpets may not be used in any Minecraft marketplace project
    • Version 1.0
    Total ranks (29 in total): Staff Ranks Owner Manager Admin Dev Sr.Mod Mod+ Mod Builder Helper Famous Media Staff Member VIP Ranks Mvp++ Mvp+ Mvp Vip+ Vip Titan Master Legend Hero Social media ranks Twitch Discord Twitter Youtube TikTok Facebook Instagram and more coming soon.. Requirements: ● Oraxen or ItemsAdder required for configuration. Content Information: ● ItemsAdder Config ● Oraxen Config ● Installation guide + support
    • Version 1.0
    Supported MC versions 1.19 and above Supported server software Tested on Paper Spigot Dependencies ItemsAdder (Premium) or Oraxen (Premium) - DeluxeMenus (Free) - JobsReborn (Free) Languages English
    • Version 4.0.8
    Vanilla like Integrates seamlessly with Minecraft. No bugged or out of place mechanic. Looks like an official update No lag This plugin is coded with performance in mind, you won't get lag spikes or crashes. Extremely customizable Customize the plugin like you want. No limitations are introduced. Your imagination is the only limitation. Make your server unique Blocks, tools, swords, fishes, food, minerals, wings, vehicles, emojis, trees, ores, mobs, vanilla armors (1.17+), custom HUDs and much more! Break the Minecraft limits! ✅ v4 is compatible with Spigot 1.20.6, 1.21, 1.21.1, 1.21.3, 1.21.4 and Java 21 ✅ v3 is compatible with Spigot 1.15.2 to 1.20.4 and Java 8 to 17 ✅ 10.000+ downloads and 8.000+ servers ✅ One of the best rated premium plugins ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ✅ Resource Pack unzip protection. Avoid thieves stealing your textures. ✅ 540+ Custom EMOJIS! Emojis are available in chat, sign, book, holograms, mob name, anvil... ✅ Realistic lag-free vehicles! (cars, planes..) ✅ Mobs / entities ✅ Emotes ✅ Armors textures (1.17+) ✅ HUDs and custom GUIs ✅ Custom behaviors for your custom items ✅ Real custom blocks (no entities, no lag) with WorldEdit support (beta) ✅ Custom ores, surface/cave decorations and trees generators ✅ Liquids (Minecraft 1.16.2+) ✅ Colored Fire ✅ Add triggers, commands, events to your custom items, blocks, vehicles, hats, blocks, machinery... ✅ Custom sounds (.ogg files) ✅ Durability bar perfectly working like in normal Minecraft items ✅ Stackable items without glitches or lag when stacking. ✅ Fully configurable and customizable. ✅ Smelting recipes, crafting recipes with custom items support. ✅ Custom tools that can lose durability when used in crafting table and play sounds! (example: Knife used to peel potatoes) ✅ Realistic campfire behaviour ✅ Custom loading logo (works only on Optifine and MCPatcher) ✅ You can translate the plugin editing language file ✅ Java API to get custom textures and use them in your plugin! Make custom menus, custom tools, tickets, hats, everything you want to code. ✅ Skript API for developers and more!
    • Version 2.28.1
    AdvancedAntiVPN is a Spigot + Forks, BungeeCord + Forks & Velocity + Forks plugin designed to be a bridge connecting Minecraft to Anti-VPN/Anti-Proxy/Anti-Tor services, for professional servers, giving you complete full control and transparency with unlimited scalability. Using as many or as few services as you want, you can detect players who are attempting to use them to bypass bans/mutes or bot attacks on your server. One of if not the only plugin that work on multiple platforms using multiple services for detections that you can pick and choose from as you wish to ensure real players are never blocked. Utilize a single or multiple services, block players, and notify staff members in-game or even on Discord. Do none of these or all of these, it's entirely up to you! Don't be vulnerable, secure your server and block bad actors bypassing your punishment systems or attempting to bot your server before it happens! Install it once and let it do its magic passively in the background with almost no resource impact! FEATURES Config settings for almost everything including flagged threshold, cache times, actions, services and more! Check out the configuration below. Universal Plugin, works on Spigot, BungeeCord and Velocity implementations, This includes any forks of Spigot, BungeeCord or Velocity. Flagged Thresholds, change how many services should detect a player using a VPN/Proxy/Tor to be flagged and then enabled actions executed. For example, you could use 2 services and only one of them has to detect the player to flag them, or use 3 services and have to have all 3 detect a player to flag them. IP Services, utilize services to detect Proxies/VPNs/Tors, use a single or all of them. We currently support: IP-API: Unlimited queries. Supports unlimited players. ProxyCheck: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings. IPHub: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings. GetIPIntel: 500 Free daily queries. Supports 750+ daily unique players with default settings. VPNAPI: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings. IPHunter: 1,000 Free daily queries. Supports 1,500+ daily unique players with default settings. IPQualityScore: 5,000 Free monthly queries. Supports 200+ daily unique players with default settings. More coming soon! Flagged Actions, execute several different actions when a player is flagged, depending on what you want to do, you can use a single action or all of them. We currently have: Block: Stop the player from joining the server/network. Notify: Notify staff by sending a message in-game and across the network. Discord Webhook: Post a rich embed message into any Discord channel! Log information and/or tag staff members to alert them. Commands: Execute a list of commands with or without a delay. More coming soon! Geoblocking. Only allow or block players from certain countries. Aegis Mode. Turn on Aegis mode to block all incoming connections to prevent API request waste and nullify raid attacks. You could also only let active players join by giving them a permission such as adding it to a certain group that needs to play for a while to gain. Concurrent Connection Limits. Limit how many players can join using the same IP address. No Bypasses. Due to the plugin giving server owners complete control, every server is different in its detection methods and thus no "bypass" for this plugin can be made. Blacklist/Whitelist. Add IPs or UUIDs into the whitelist or blacklist to bypass checks or permanently block. Parallel Checking, takes less than a quarter of a second on average to check a player joining, it works so fast that your players won't notice a difference! Cache System. Uses the minimum required connections and caches information for a configurable amount of time to reduce eating up your service queries and to keep system impact as low as possible. SQLite & MySQL support, fast database implementation, and sync your cache information across multiple servers if you wish. Regular plugin updates with bug fixes. Highly efficient with performance in mind since the start and highly optimized, if you see any timings/heap reports with AdvancedAntiVPN being an issue, send me the information and I will do my best. Completely Async. All web and events are fired async so AdvancedAntiVPN will never lock the main thread when connecting to the services or executing actions. Supports all Popular Versions. This means you can check players on 1.20, 1.12 or even 1.8! Hex colors in supported Minecraft versions. and many more... Config.yml COMMANDS & PERMISSIONS Commands: /AdvancedAntiVPN Shows the command help menu. /AdvancedAntiVPN Reload Will reload the plugin and everything within it including config, services, actions etc. /AdvancedAntiVPN Help Will show you information about the plugin commands and how to use them. /AdvancedAntiVPN Stats Will show you information about the IP(s) in your database and how many are flagged, within cache time etc. /AdvancedAntiVPN Blacklist Add/Remove (IP/UUID) Add an IP or UUID to the blacklist to always block it without using any services to check it. /AdvancedAntiVPN Whitelist Add/Remove (IP/UUID) Add an IP or UUID to the whitelist to allow them to bypass any checks. /AdvancedAntiVPN Purge Delete the database cache data. /AdvancedAntiVPN Test (IP) Test an IP against your service setup. /AdvancedAntiVPN Aegis (Enable/Disable) Toggle Aegis mode. Permissions: advancedantivpn.command.reload Permission for reload arg. advancedantivpn.command.help Permission for the help arg. advancedantivpn.command.stats Permission for the stats arg. advancedantivpn.command.whitelist Permission for the whitelist arg. advancedantivpn.command.blacklist Permission for the blacklist arg. advancedantivpn.command.purge Permission for the purge arg. advancedantivpn.command.test Permission for the test arg. advancedantivpn.command.aegis Permission for the aegis arg. advancedantivpn.bypass Permission to bypass all checks on join. advancedantivpn.aegis.bypass Permission to bypass Aegis mode. advancedantivpn.notify Permission for players to see the "Notify" action if needed. advancedantivpn.* Permission for all the above.
    • Version 3.6.0
    How to use? For Commands, Configs, Install Steps, please view wiki here: https://flipcard.superiormc.cn/. Credits EasyPlugin: https://github.com/CarmJos/EasyPlugin EasySQL: https://github.com/CarmJos/EasySQL Terms You are not allowed to leak/resell/share this plugin to other person. You are not allowed to modify this plugin without our permission. One purchase for one server. No refunds. Report bugs in our Discord.
    • Version R4.0.8 (DEV build 2127)
    The most fully functional, flexible, and advanced entity model manager It is built as a plugin in Dev (an upcoming version). There are also plugin versions available. Model Engine 4 Premium Plugin Description: Do you think Minecraft Is it a bit boring? Do you want to have a fashion experience, but don't want players to download fashion? Perhaps you just want to add all of yourself? If so, then the Model Engine is what you need! Model Engine is a plugin that allows you to add entity custom models that fully support animation. It solves all complex problems for you and eliminates the gap between you and your dream server. It is the first and only mod entity model manager capable of creating mods that cannot be distinguished from mods.
    • 1 download
    • Version 2.0.0-beta-10
    NoVPN is a plugin that blocks players using VPNs or proxies. Based on a high-performance API. FEATURES Private API detection Blacklist/Whitelist Async plugin Unlimited request Bad account detection (McLeaks/TheAltening/EasyMC) Antibot protection Firewall system Console filter Discord webhook Packet events MySQL support COMMANDS & PERMISSIONS Commands: /nvp help | Shows available commands /nvp lookup <ip/player> | Shows information about a player or an IP /nvp blacklist | Shows available blacklist commands /nvp blacklist enable/disable | Enables or disables the blacklist /nvp blacklist <add/remove> <player/ip/country> | Adds or removes a player, IP, or country to/from the blacklist /nvp blacklist list | Shows elements in the blacklist /nvp whitelist | Shows available whitelist commands /nvp whitelist enable/disable | Enables or disables the whitelist /nvp whitelist <add/remove> <player/ip/country> | Adds or removes a player, IP, or country to/from the whitelist /nvp whitelist list | Shows elements in the whitelist /nvp antibot | Shows available antibot commands /nvp antibot enable/disable | Enables or disables antibot protection /nvp antibot satus | Shows antibot status /nvp antibot protection_mode start/stop | Starts or stops antibot under attack mode Permissions: novpn.* | Allow everything in the plugin novpn.help | Access to help command novpn.antibot | Access to /nvp antibot command novpn.antibot.disable | Access to /nvp antibot disable command novpn.antibot.enable | Access to /nvp antibot enable command novpn.antibot.start | Access to start protection mode novpn.antibot.stop | Access to stop protection mode novpn.antibot.status | Access to antibot status command novpn.blacklist.add | Access to /nvp blacklist add command novpn.blacklist | Access to /nvp blacklist command novpn.blacklist.disable | Access to /nvp blacklist disable command novpn.blacklist.enable | Access to /nvp blacklist enable command novpn.blacklist.list | Access to /nvp blacklist list command novpn.blacklist.remove | Access to /nvp blacklist remove command novpn.lookup | Access to /nvp lookup command novpn.whitelist | Access to /nvp whitelist command novpn.whitelist.add | Access to /nvp whitelist add command novpn.whitelist.remove | Access to /nvp whitelist remove command novpn.whitelist.list | Access to /nvp whitelist list command novpn.whitelist.enable | Access to /nvp whitelist enable command novpn.whitelist.disable | Access to /nvp whitelist disable command novpn.notify | Receive notifications
    • Version 1.5.2
    Item Upgrader Item Upgrader is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to upgrade their items to other items. Features Minecraft Version Support: Compatible with Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21.4. Supports Custom Textured Items: Compatible with Oraxen and ItemsAdder for custom item textures. Supports EcoItems: Compatible with items from the EcoItems plugin. Economy Integration: Supports popular economy plugins via the Vault API. Highly Customizable: Includes fully customizable messages and settings. Chained Upgrades: Item upgrades are dependent on other upgrades. Required Items: Option to set a list of items required before upgrading. Upgrade Chances: Option to set different success rates for various item upgrades. Customizable Permissions: Set specific permissions required to open the Upgrade Menu. Confirmation Menu: Customizable menu for confirming item upgrades. World-Specific Access: The Upgrade Menu can only be opened in specific worlds. Upgrade Restrictions: Option to specify which items can and cannot be upgraded. Sound Effects: Option to play sounds for various actions, such as insufficient balance,, item breaking and more Upgrade Pricing: Option to set prices for different item upgrades (works with economy plugins). Customizable Upgrades: Option to set the upgraded item's name, lore, and enchantments. Enchantments Reset: Option to remove previous item's enchantments in the upgraded item. Item Flags and Durability: Option to set item flags for upgraded items and make them unbreakable. Disallowed Enchantments: Option to specify enchantments that prevent an item from being upgraded. If the item contains any of these enchantments, the upgrade will be blocked. Enchantment Merging: Previous item's enchantments can be merged with the upgraded item, applying the higher level if the same enchantments are present. Custom Enchantment Support: Compatible with custom enchantments from other plugins, such as EcoEnchants. Smithing Template Support: Compatible with Smithing Templates (requires Minecraft 1.20 and higher). Hex Color Code Support: Compatible with hex color codes (requires Minecraft 1.16 and higher). PlaceholderAPI Support: Integration with PlaceholderAPI.
    • Version 7.32.5
    This plugin allows you to create custom craftings in a very unique way. Using the /ecraft command (or a configurable crafting place) you can craft epic items with custom names, lore, enchantments, but only if you have the required items or required conditions (All of this is configurable). You can create all the craftings you want and its a maximum of 15 required items per crafting. Each of the craftings have many other configurable options, like cooldown time, permissions, actions to execute when crafted, category, one time craft, among others... Example: You can craft an item named: Epic Sword, But you need: x15 Diamonds, x15 Gold Ingots and whatever items you want. Utilities: - ✓ Create and save craftings automatically using /ecraft create <name> - ✓ Crafting inventories (Main, all categories, category menu, crafting menu, bypass cooldown menu) - ✓ Completely configurable inventory - ✓ Categories system - ✓ Permissions for categories - ✓ Automatic Page system - ✓ Crafting places/Categorized crafting places - ✓ Edit craftings from the game - ✓ Previous and next craftings system - ✓ PlaceholderAPI variables - ✓ Block ecraft command (to only use crafting places) - ✓ Hide craftings with permissions - ✓ Hide one time craftings - ✓ Hide craftings with no requirements - ✓ Attach block to open crafting menu and categories - ✓ Cooldown notifications - ✓ One cooldown at the time option - ✓ Log file - ✓ Command to give craftings directly to a player - ✓ Command to verify for errors - ✓ Bypass cooldowns permission - ✓ Reduce cooldowns time permission - ✓ API - ✓ HEX color support Crafting Properties: - ✓ Custom item - ✓ Category - ✓ Up to 15 required items - ✓ Prevent required item being removed from inventory - ✓ Cooldown - ✓ Cooldown bypass cost - ✓ Permission - ✓ One time craft - ✓ Craft with money - ✓ Hide required items flags - ✓ Ignore required items properties (name, lore, enchants) - ✓ Success rate - ✓ Actions when crafted (player command, console command, title, playsound, firework, message, close inventory) - ✓ Give no item (craft commands/actions instead) - ✓ Extra requirements (using PlaceholderAPI variables) - ✓ Random craftings Crafting Items Properties: - ✓ Id, durability/datavalue - ✓ Name - ✓ Display name (for inventory and chat messages) - ✓ Lore - ✓ Amount - ✓ Custom model data - ✓ Enchantments - ✓ Item flags - ✓ Attributes - ✓ Leather armor color - ✓ Enchanted books - ✓ Skull Data (texture, id, owner) - ✓ Potion Data - ✓ Banner Data - ✓ Firework Data - ✓ Book Data - ✓ Armor Trim Data - ✓ NBT Compatibility: - ✓ Vault + Economy plugin (To bypass cooldowns using money) - ✓ PlaceholderAPI (To add extra requirements to craft) - ✓ Holographic Displays (To create holograms above crafting places) - ✓ Decent Holograms (To create holograms above crafting places) - ✓ CMI (To create holograms above crafting places) - ✓ Works in 1.8+
    • Version 1.7.2
    20+ Default Jobs & 100+ Customizable Actions Unlock the potential to use over 100 unique actions into customized jobs, from a lumberjack chopping logs to a farmer farming crops or a tamer engaging with animals. With more than 20 predefined jobs as your foundation, the possibilities are limitless. Keep players engaged with customizable progress alerts. Set notifications at milestones of your choice (e.g., 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%) to celebrate achievements and motivate continuous play. Job Slots! Limit how many jobs players can have at once with permissions. Click here to view all the available actions: https://wiki.advancedplugins.net/actions/introduction Level Up Jobs Keep players engaged with infinite leveling possibilities. Configure every job level to fit your server's theme, using simple settings or advanced mathematical calculations. Smart Rewards System Automate rewards with our smart and unique system. Set it up once and let our plugin handle the complexity, ensuring players are motivated at every level. Free & Premium Jobs: Enhance Player Experience Inclusive Gameplay: Offer free jobs to all members, ensuring everyone enjoys the depth of your server's economy. Monetize your server: Elevate the experience with premium jobs. Whether for sale in your store or as a perk for donors, these exclusive roles add a new level of engagement. Bonus Rewards: Reward premium job pass holders with special bonuses, even when completing standard jobs, adding an extra incentive for players to upgrade. Leaderboard Display a leaderboard in-game of top achieved players from jobs Very addictive and engaging Intuitive In-Game GUI Jobs Editor Fully Customizable: Edit everything from job names and points to progress and actions. Tailor each job to fit your server perfectly. User-Friendly Design: Our editor is built for simplicity, making it easy and quick to create new jobs. No complex instructions, just straightforward editing. It's never been easier for you to create, edit, and enjoy jobs! Extremely Configurable Configure all jobs, all messages All menus and rewards are also configurable MySQL Databases Supported Extensive Wiki and huge community Visit our AdvancedJobs Wiki to learn more about this plugin, find out how to create your own jobs and more. Join our 8,000+ members Discord Server if you need assistance. Integrates into plugins [Over 40 popular plugins supported] All plugins listed below are supported for jobs: AdvancedEnchantments McMMO ASkyblock AuctionHouse AutoSell BedWars1058 KOTH BuildBattle ChatReaction ChestShop Citizens Clans ClueScrolls CrateReloaded CratesPlus CrazyCrates DiscordMinecraft ExcellentCrates Jobs Lands LobbyPresents KoTH MoneyHunters MythicMobs PlotSquared ProCosmetics ShopGuiPlus CrazyEnvoy Shopkeepers SkillAPI StrikePractice SuperiorSkyblock2 TheLab TokenEnchant UltraSkyWars uSkyBlock Votifier MMOCore MMOItems MBedwars
    • Version 31.6.21-Beta
    "Deluxe Announce" is a plugin for the popular Minecraft server software, SpigotMC, created by STN Studios. The plugin allows server administrators to easily create and manage custom announcements on their servers. These announcements can include text, images (Skin in chat), and can be scheduled to play at specific intervals or triggered by events such as player joins or server restarts. Additionally, server administrators can also customize the appearance of the announcements, such as text color and more. This plugin is useful to keep your players informed about important events, news, rules, and more in an easy way and in a custom manner.
    • Version 7.5.1
    In built plot downloading + cross server saving and loading. Plot swapping / copying and cross world plot moving. Plot merging, your own plots or between friends Extensive flag system so you can decide what should be protected on a per world, or per plot basis Plot entry notifications / per plot time / weather / music etc with the flag system Add custom roads to existing maps to make them look nicer Configure additional messages however you want Dynamic world border to prevent excessive exploring Mob protection and per plot mob limiting Interactive commands such as plot listing Plot rating, ranking, complexity analysis, and auto clearing calibration Use javascript to add new commands or script simple things like auto merging all plots Plot schematic saving, loading and pasting Per player settings such as plot chat and entry notifications World creation either with multiverse, /plot setup, or manual yml configuration Plot commenting and inboxes World auto trimming which reduces the CPU and disk usage when people explore Pistons and Sand/TNT cannons are properly restricted Per plot redstone settings + plot redstone disablers Restrict the use of WorldEdit to plots only. Chunk processing to safely unload dangerous chunks (also processes WorldEdit commands) Component setting (floor, wall, border, etc.) Section off areas (e.g. an area for donors) with plot clusters, or add plot clusters to vanilla worlds Plot naming (for teleportation) Configurable command confirmation (e.g. for /plot clear) A lot of generators, and settings to choose from
    • Version 3.0.6
    By purchasing this plugin, you affirm that you have thoroughly read and comprehended the complete description of the plugin. You are expressly prohibited from modifying, reselling, or redistributing this plugin without explicit authorization from the plugin's rights holder. Decompiling or reverse engineering of this plugin is strictly prohibited, and you shall not engage in such activities without prior written consent from the plugin's rights holder. It is forbidden to request support through the reviews section. Please utilize the designated channels such as the Discord server or GitHub issues page for seeking support. By clicking on the download link, you expressly waive any right to withdraw this product as per the provisions of European Directive 2011/83/EU on Consumer Rights. These Terms of Service are subject to modification without prior notice.
    • Version 2.30.0
    Description of the Markets plugin:Markets takes a completely new approach to traditional player stores. Markets Plugin Commands:A complete list of all commands and permissions that can be used in the plugin. Team Rights Description /markets There is not Open the main menu of the market /markets bank markets.command.bank Opens your bank /markets offers markets.command.offers Opens your suggestions /markets payments markets.command.payments Opens payment collection /markets search <keywords> markets.command.search Used to search all open markets /markets view <player> markets.command.view Used to view a player's market markets.maxalloweditems.# The maximum number of items a player can have in their market # is the total number of items. markets.maxallowedcategories.# The maximum number of categories a player can have on their market # is the total amount markets.maxallowedrequests.# The maximum number of requests a player can have active, # - total number of requests. Installing the Markets plugin:Download the plugin. Turn off the server Move the .jar file to the /plugins/ folder of your server. Start the server. Done.